Showing posts with label patisserie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patisserie. Show all posts

Monday, October 17, 2011


Hello!There is still someone here!! :) Although I made no posts lately!But I do have plenty of reasons to explain you why!

Before that, checkout the new Lomography camera La Sardina!

Oh I am so greedy when it comes to cameras!But I think I should stop here!I already own a digital compact one, a Diana, my dad's SLR and my latest one is the Instax (with which I had to fight and spent 20 pictures capturing NOTHING because there was a problem with the mechanism that elevates the photo!Now I have to deal with the flash - wildcat!)!But now I am glad to announce that I'll be able to use my brother's NIKON D5000, WITH his permission!! =) Although I am a Canon lover, I have no other choise!!Plus, we're planning to buy some extra lenses!!

Yesterday I went with my cousin to the museum of photography - there was a really interesting exhibition for the 3rd biennale!Afterwards we drank tea in the museum watching the port and after that we took some pictures, which you'll get to see next week!My tiny little compact couldn't capture exactly what I wanted, but this one is just a small taste of the wonderful view :)

Η έκθεση στο Μουσείο Φωτογραφίας είναι κομμάτι της 3ης Μπιενάλε με τίτλο ''Θεσσαλονίκη: Σταυροδρόμι πολιτισμών''. Είναι πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα, για όσους σαγηνεύει η τέχνη της φωτογραφίας και η είσοδος κοστίζει μονάχα 2 ευρώ ή 1 ευρώ για τους φοιτητές, πολύτεκνους, άνω των 65 ετών. Επίσης η θέα του λιμανιού από την μικρή και ήσυχη καφετέρια είναι μια πολύ καλή ανταμοιβή!!

Other than that I am crafty enough, I have plenty of ideas, but currently I am knitting a jumper for myself, baking brownies and reading Jane Austen and Agatha Christie, despite the fact that I have my exams now!




Also I made something sweet for my sweet friend who turned 24 on Thursday!It was a last minute thing that had to be nice and delicious at the same time!It's actually a sandwich of two mini macarons with mascarpone cream in the middle!Yummie!!




I'll be right back with more interesting stuff! :)

Bisous Bisous,

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bruxelles this way - A'dam that way!

Warning!This is a huge post!! =)

My one day trip to Amsterdam was wonderful!!Despite the fact that there were some ups and downs, but every single glimpse was totally worth it!!

Unfortunately, I didn't get to visit the Heineken Museum, but my friends told me that it was amazing!

Oude Kerk. This church is at the centre of the town. The first store after the church is a typical A'dam brothel, with the window displays and so on. I wish I could take a picture of that!(The pimp wouldn't let me do so :/ )


Flower Market!I got so excited over there!!I bought tulip bulbs and cannot wait to see the outcome in spring!

Bicycles and canals..
Me, photographing a house with my canon AE-1, by which I was amazed!


I was the little Dutch girl of the day!


O our way back to Brusells!

And back to Brussels, life is not that much fun as a single Sunday in Amsterdam.They're only 2 hours away by car, but they're way too different!



The best cookies I have ever eaten!


The Tin Tin town!


I hope I didn't bore you with my huge post!I also had my B&W film developed and some photos are unbelievable!You'll get to see them really soon!

Untill then,

Bonne nuit,


Saturday, June 18, 2011


Τις τελευταίες μέρες είμαι σε μια διαρκή ένταση!Αύριο μετακομίζω και καθότι εν μέσω εξεταστικής, τρέχω και δε φτάνω!!Ωστόσο η τρέλα μου με τη ζαχαροπλαστική δεν σταματάει ποτέ!! ;)

Και βρήκα το συνδυασμό δύο αγαπημένων μου ασχολιών στο The Cupcake Blog


Enjoy the beauty! :)

Θα επανέλθω πολύ σύντομα με νέο υλικό, διότι λόγω μετακόμισης, δεν θα έχω Internet για περίπου 3 εβδομάδες! :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hop! Pardonnez-moi!

Τα έχω φορτώσει ολίγον στον κόκκορα τις τελευταίες μέρες με το blog :/
Αλλά σας πληροφορώ πως έχω μπόλικες δικαιολογίες στο τσεπάκι μου!!!

1. Βγήκε το πρόγραμμα της εξεταστικής. Θα δώσω 9 μαθήματα και έχω πελαγώσει!

2. Φυσικά κάθε που πλησιάζει η εξεταστική μπορώ να ασχοληθώ με ένα σωρό άλλα πράγματα, εκτός από το διάβασμα!Πέρα από τη ραπτική και χίλια δυο άλλα πράγματα που έχω σκοπό να κάνω, προς στιγμήν ασχολούμαι έντονα με τη ζαχαροπλαστική και δη τα brownies!Ιδού το τελευταίο μου κατόρθωμα!Photobucket

3. Σκέφτομαι τι θα κάνω μετά τη σχολή, καθώς το τέλος πλησιάζει (σε 1,5 χρόνο θα ξεμπερδεύω με τη σχολή μου!!)..οπότε αφιερώνω αρκετό χρόνο στο να ονειροβατώ και να τρώω τα γλυκά μου..
4. Έκανα μια ημερήσια εκδρομή στην άλλη άκρη της Ελλάδος (λίγος τουρισμός δεν έβλαψε ποτέ κανέναν)
5. Σχεδιάζω τις καλοκαιρινές μου διακοπές και ημερήσιες εξορμήσεις και..
6. Σχεδιάζω και διακοσμώ το καινούριο μου δωμάτιο!!!It is finally true!Τον επόμενο μήνα μετακομίζω και σήμερα κιόλας πάω να διαλέξω ταπετσαρία και πόμολα!! :) Θα σας δείξω φωτογραφίες!!

C'est tout! :)

Υπόσχομαι πως από εδώ και μπρος θα είμαι πιο συνεπές κορίτσι! :)

Bisous bisous!!


Just a quick translation!! :) I have literally disappeared from the blog world lately, but I really got plenty of reasons to explain you why!! :) My exams period is starting in about 10 days. Of course every time of the year that I have my exams I can devote myself to any other thing than studying!So I'm experimenting in the kitchen with some brownies..Other than that I am currently thinking of my future and what am I supposed to do after I finish the university!So I spend most of my time eating my patisserie masterpieces (!!) and dreaming and thinking and so on!!Plus, I'm planning of my summer vacation in Greece and abroad and I'm FINALLY moving out next month so I also spend my time decorating and designing my brand new room!!Today, actually, I'm going to buy a wallpaper! :) You'll get a lot of pictures soon enough!I promise I'll be a better blog-girl! :)


Saturday, April 2, 2011

I made it!


Mission:Cupcakes with normal and delicious frosting (that tastes not like plastic at all!) : accomplished!! :)

Patisserie mood: on!

My etsy shop is under construction!Thanks to Christina I have a perfect banner!Can't wait for tomorrow to list my items! :D

