Thursday, March 29, 2012


Dallin likes to color, and he colors very well. Always inside the lines, and he is very thorough.We made birthday cards for my mom whose birthday is coming up, and Dallin wanted to color the whole thing for her. . .with ball point pen. Here are just a couple pictures of the very long process. It took about 2 hours.
 This one on the right makes me laugh because he spent so long, and he left about a square inch on the bottom left corner. Maybe he got distracted. He noticed it later and went back and colored it in, along with the entire other side of the card!!! :) He makes life interesting and fun.
 Ashlyn is now walking all the time now, and it is really annoying actually. Church was noticeably more difficult to get through because she is all over the place. A sweet lady asked if she could follow Ashlyn around so I could enjoy the meeting.