Thursday, March 29, 2012


Dallin likes to color, and he colors very well. Always inside the lines, and he is very thorough.We made birthday cards for my mom whose birthday is coming up, and Dallin wanted to color the whole thing for her. . .with ball point pen. Here are just a couple pictures of the very long process. It took about 2 hours.
 This one on the right makes me laugh because he spent so long, and he left about a square inch on the bottom left corner. Maybe he got distracted. He noticed it later and went back and colored it in, along with the entire other side of the card!!! :) He makes life interesting and fun.
 Ashlyn is now walking all the time now, and it is really annoying actually. Church was noticeably more difficult to get through because she is all over the place. A sweet lady asked if she could follow Ashlyn around so I could enjoy the meeting.

Monday, March 26, 2012


We went bowling with Paul and Paula's family last week. We see them almost every day. Our kids get along so well. I was best buds with my cousins too, so I am happy that we get to be living by cousins again. We miss Calin and Capri though, in Idaho. We'd be in heaven if all the cousins came to Southern Oregon.

The boys made me laugh with all their bowling poses. And this one of Tanner makes  me laugh, because you can see the ball in the gutter, yet he doesn't care. He is just happy to be bowling.
 Joel would spin around and watch the ball go down the lane backwards.Ashlyn loved bowling too. Luckily Dallin doesn't care for it, so she took over his game. Dallin hung out in the arcade pretending to play video games and pool.
A lovely view of Paul's and Drew's bums.
 Dallin doesn't love bowling, but he loves wearing bowling shoes. He seems to think he needs to succeed to enjoy a sport, so if he can't knock over all the pins he'd rather not play. These pictures were of his first frame, then he was off skipping around in those cool bowling shoes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cute and I know it!

Ashlyn will be ready for America's Next Top Model with all the photo shoots she does.
Look at the lean on this picture and the pouty lips. She is a natural. :)
 I know my colors are different, I have been playing with my editing. I do all my messing around on my own pictures instead of paying customers.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

She's walking!

I am finding that now that I am home and all my family is around, I feel less need to blog. But that is not true. This is kind of a family journal too, and of course we still have tons of Idaho friends that we went to keep in contact with so, hopefully I will find stuff to blog about. 
Like, Ashlyn walking. She has been taking a few steps here and there but she is doing it almost full time now, and it is adorable. Here is a little video.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Is spring here already?

The weather is teasing us lately. At least I think it is. If I remember right, it rains all March and April in Oregon. But it was beautiful today! Like 70 degrees beautiful. We had to go to the park.
 Aren't these sunglasses adorable?!? And her pig tales? And this face! Love her!
 Nate got off early today, so he came too.
 Dallin couldn't keep his eyes open, it was so sunny.
 The master of the monkey bars. He had sore hands after today.
We are finally settled in to our place. Only took 2 weeks! What a pain! I am so done with moving. Well, I guess we will do it again in a few months, but that will be the last one for a long time, I hope.