Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Showing posts with label Solid food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solid food. Show all posts

15 October, 2012

Semi solid food Haikal

Haikal is now 9 months old. dah pandai memanjat-manjat and berdiri lepas tangan. kalo berdiri tanpa pegang apa2 dpt la about 5-6 secs. wow bravo my little son! haha. bagi mama2 mesti milestone anak tu merupakan satu pencapaian yang sangat menggembirakan, kann?

i thought he's a bit late, sbb badan dia heavy, so ingt kan lambat la dia nk start berjalan. hehe. hopefully by end of the year, Haikal da bole jalan k, sbb kt nak pegi holiday! hoyeayy! sekarang, die ade la membebel-bebel and dah ade syllables sket2. alhamdulillah. sometimes, pernah terperasan macam dia sebut "mammm maa". hahaha. ok fine.

for today nk buat entry pasal semi solid food haikal. actually takot & excited masa nk start bg dia mkn.
for today the recipe is carrot porridge. hahaha bapak healthy giler kan.

carrot puree yang telah di stim terlebih dahulu. kemudian di blend dan disimpan didalam storage container.

Storage container ni available at Mothercare.

proses thawing frozen carrot

sebelah kiri tu ialah bubur nasi blend. sebelah kanan ialah bubur nasi campur carrot puree.
Bubur ni sesuai untuk bayi yg berusia 6 bulan, yang baru nak mencuba solid food =)
nmpk mcm sgt dull, tp Haikal mmg suka mkn makann sihat ni. alhamdulillah.


actually muka agak sedih. Haikal demand nk burger bakar. HAHAHA

Now dah 9 bulan, normally mothers lebih variety kan food babies. please don't mind to share yummy recipes =)