Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Job Hunt

Yep, it's true--I'm looking for another job. It's rather bittersweet. I really like my job, and I love the field of adoption. There really is nothing better than seeing families come together! The downside of my job is really why I'm leaving--I'm only working part-time for a non-profit salary. Unfortunately, my agency doesn't have the money or the workload to move me to full-time. I feel like I can contribute more financially to our family now before we have kids. So, I'm taking one for the team and looking for a full-time job.
I've been sending out resumes and cover letters like crazy. Although it's a tedious process, I'm attacking it in my usual...uh...methodical way. I know Heavenly Father will bless me with whatever I need to be doing right now as long as I'm making the necessary efforts. I'm so grateful that I'm in an emotional place right now where I can walk into a new job and feel like I can rock it.
So, keep your fingers crossed for me!!


Nan said...

I'd hire you in a heartbeat! Good luck, sweet girl. I love you.

Breeana said...

Good luck! Whoever finds you will be lucky to have you.

kristib said...

You'll do great! I'm sure it won't take long for someone to recognize your fabulous qualities!

Jenny said...

Thanks, everyone! I appreciate the support and encouragement!