Friday, October 2, 2009

A Ferret's Life for Me

For the past month, Savvy has been obsessed with getting a ferret. She just loves going to Petco to look at them.

I find them absolutely disgusting.

With her birthday approaching quickly, our daily conversations have gone a bit like this:

Savvy: "Mom, I really, really want a ferret for my birthday."

Me: "Ooh! No! They are so gross!"

Savvy: "Please. I will be so good. I'll practice the violin every day. And I'll wear whatever you tell me to wear. And you can even put my hair in pigtails if you want."

Me: "No. It's not worth it. A ferret is way too stinky...and besides it would probably eat poor Elvis."

Savvy: "Sigh. Okay."

And just when I think I've crushed her hopes and dreams of getting a ferret, the conversation starts over the next day.

So, last week when she told me she wanted to be a ferret for Halloween, I knew she needed a costume intervention.

The Internet seemed like a good place to go.

We went to the Family Fun website, and I told her I would make her ANYTHING on this website she wanted to be.

As we scrolled through the list, we both saw at the same time "Boxers".

We looked at each other and started giggling. Then we clicked on it to see how they could possibly make a costume look like men's boxers...on a family website.

Let's just say it wasn't this that we saw.

It wasn't this either.

But, it was this.

{We giggled-snorted and laughed till we cried.}

I definitely should've taken this as a sign that this costume looking excursion was not going to be a productive one.

But, we pressed forward.

"How bout a bubble bather?" I asked.

"Nah," she said.

"A Jellyfish?"


"Maybe I could be the big, bad wolf?" she said.


We looked at the costume and she said he wasn't the right color.

There were over a hundred costumes to look at, and she looked at a total of 3 costumes after the wolf: a "Bag of Gross-eries", "Alien Encounter" and a "Little Bearded Gnome".

No princess costumes for this girl.

Finally, we had come to the end of the list.

She said, "Well. If you don't want me to be a ferret. Maybe I could be a devil-ferret?"

She wasn't kidding.

She honestly thought I would like a devil-ferret alternative.

If only she had known, she had actually gone from bad to worse.

That ferret costume is starting to look pretty good now.


Jolene said...

poor little animal-loving savvy's big bad mom won't let her be a ferret. Do it! Everyone will think she looks like a kitty anyway.

Jolene said...

I love your new blog background. You are so famously talented to me.

Gayle Menlove said...

Do post pictures of the ferret costume.

I think the girl needs a little white pet, if ya ask me. I mean anyone who wants a ferret costume for Halloween, maybe needs the real thing.

Anonymous said...

Another blogger do you make it say cute stuff like "3 clever comments"?

You should teach a class. :)