Saturday, April 5, 2008

Luigi and the Pirate

My closest neighborhood grocery store is not my favorite place to go. Their meat department smells. bad. Produce? Not fresh. They never seem to have enough cashiers. And the store itself is always a mess. I try to avoid shopping there if it is at all possible. But, inevitably I end up there every Saturday night for some forgotten item that our family can't do without till Monday.

Tonight was no different. I needed tinfoil and saran wrap. Of course, I had just returned from a grocery store that I love--but I had neglected to get those two items. It was a necessary evil that I go to Smitty's. Luckily, my two favorite baggers--Luigi and the Pirate made this shopping excursion more pleasant than usual.

For some time now, a sixtyish Luigi has been bagging my groceries. I hate to stereotype him - but let's face it - he's short, Italian, and has a bushy mustache - he is totally Luigi. In fact, all he needs is a pair of overalls and a green shirt and he could be Luigi for next Halloween. He's also quite friendly, and while I've never heard him say, "Mama Mia" - I know it's on the tip of his tongue

Now, the pirate is a new character at Smitty's. I hadn't seen him until last Saturday. He is a man in his 70's with a gold stud in each ear. Tonight whilst shopping, I was on the phone with my dear sister, Jilly, and I told her that he is either a pirate or a person of a delicate persuasion.

Jilly then said, "Did you know pirates are real?"

"Yes, I'm staring at one right now," I replied.

Jilly then said, "No, I mean pirates are truly back to pillaging and terrorizing the open seas." (she read about it in some article).

Of course, the question remains, why in the world would a pirate be bagging groceries at a second rate grocery store--when he could be making millions at sea? Maybe it's the off-season? Retirement? Whatever the reason, one can only hope Johnny Depp follows the trend.


Allyson said...

That's always the way isn't it? The close grocery stores are the stupid ones. (although they did just take the gross old Macy's closest to me and move to a nice new location just a few blocks further away.) But, we have lived near many a scary store in our time.

Pam said...

It sounds like you had some celebrity sightings at your store. Luigi and a real pirate...that is pretty famous. How come you are always so lucky. Heehee. Next time say something like "thanks matey" and if he smiles see if he has a gold tooth then you'll really know.