Dave and I are a little behind the times. We just recently purchased Guitar Hero 3. I must admit it's very addicting. I can see why so many of the blogs I read have Guitar Hero Posts. It's definitely an easy source of entertainment. Dave and I love watching Carson play. He gets so into it. His head bops every time he hits a note. Here's a backstage pass to Carson's performance of "Welcome To The Jungle."
12 years ago
We just got guitar hero too. Noah and Nate are freaks at it and can't stop. I on the other hand can't play to save my life. It's fun to watch.
Oh good...something for all the kids to fight over in a few weeks...LOL!!!
We're waiting for Rock Band to come for the Wii. Everyone says Guitar Hero is the funnest thing ever! I can't wait to play!
I am not the greatest at guitar hero, however I have perfected the song "SLOW RIDE" on easy. Everyone kind of uses it as a joke against me. "Ok Lori's turn, set her up for SLOW RIDE!" Fun times!
I was so addicted over Christmas break, I passed the whole easy level in three days! Now I'm at the end of the medium level - one guy left to beat. I had to put it down!
We just got into Guitar Hero on New Years. We played Rock Band at Tim's parents and my husband was obsessed. We had Guitar Hero about a day later. It is a lot of fun. I just had all the Young Women over last week since they are all into it...which of course made me look like quite an rookie.
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