So let's be honest.....Motherhood is hands down the hardest, most underpaid, most unappreciated job in the world. But it's in those special, quiet, personal moments with your children where it becomes the most
rewarding. There are times when I think to myself "I cannot get one more glass of juice, wipe down one more toilet, pick up one more toy, and hear one more child whine." It's through those trying times that I have learned, patience,love,commitment, how to be a good listener, and the list goes on. My children have
taught me so much more than I could have learned without them. There have been times when I have felt guilty for not finishing school and maybe one day I will. But I do know that I have been educated in many ways through being a Mother. I hope my kids know I would do
anything for each one of them. I'm a wife and mother before anything. That's my first calling in life. I am a mother because I love the Lord. I want to full fill the
commitments I have made to him. If anything I hope I am teaching my children the truth so that they may one day teach theirs. That would be the best
gift they could give to me as their Mother!