Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa Jim

Happy 60th Birthday to the "BIG FELLA"

If you've met my father in law Jim, you know that he's one of the most kind, caring, thoughtful men you will ever meet. Jim we hope you have a wonderful birthday. We wish we were there to help you celebrate. We want you to know we are so grateful to have you in our lives and our children are so lucky to have you as a grandfather. Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Memphis City Fire Museum

Some of my girlfriends and I took our kids to the Memphis City Fire Museum. It was fun for the kids and something new to do in Memphis. I thought this picture of all of them in front of the old fire engine was so cute. Who knows, maybe we have a future firefighter in the group.

Father and Sons Campout

S'mores with your Dad,
Fishing with your Dad,
One 6'4 man and child sleeping in a 5ft. one man tent......
going to Father and Sons campout

Thursday, May 22, 2008

So much TV, so little time

Thank Goodness for T-VO!
I've been super busy this week with my calling, girl's camp, baseball, and getting ready for my family to come. But the one thing that helps me to relax at the end of my busy days is my TVO line up. This has definitely been a good week for T.V. So good that all of my recordings were over lapping. It was getting a little crazy. I loved both Dancing With the Stars and American Idol this season. I thought the finalist on both shows deserved to be there. Even though Dave and I were both David Cook fans, I still would have loved to have seen a Mormon win American Idol. I'm not too worried about David Archuleta though. He's so frail and I think if he learns to come out of his shell and open up a little more in interviews he'll do just fine!

My "American Idol" and "Dancing With the Stars" favorites so far.....
Both David's, Carrie Underwood, Chris Daughtry (still can't figure out why he got the boot), Emmitt Smith, Elio Costanuela, and Apollo.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Cara and Ryleigh's GIRLS

Cara and Ryleigh's playgroup has come to an end. They've had a wonderful time with "their girl's" this year and Mom's had a wonderful time getting 3 hour breaks every Monday :) You can definitely tell by this picture what they spent most of their time doing. I loved listening to these little girl's play dress-up and pretend. They're all such sweet, little things with lots of personality. Thanks Angela, Kristen, April, and Cheri for a fun year of playgroups.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Favorite Things

My blogging friend Jill did a "Favorite Things" swap with all of her blogging buddies and I decided to join in. This is what I received from Ashley. It was perfect and some of my favorite things also. I love M & M's and mixed with peanut butter makes them that much better. I have walked past the Burt's Bees products before but have never purchased them. I love this chap stick. It actually works too. Last but not least, what Mom doesn't love a good frame? It's perfect. It matches my house and I love the Shabby Chic look. Thank You Ashley. I enjoyed my package, and thanks to you Jill. I thought this was a great idea. Maybe I'll host one with my blogging buddies too.
Anyone interested??

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Mother's Day Hook Up...not that kind of Hook Up!

Holy Cow did I ever get "hooked up" this Mother's Day. I was surprisingly shocked to come home to all of this food storage from my Mom last Friday and then this beautiful Dinette Set from Dave. I totally was not expecting this. I'm so happy! I don't know that I deserve either, but I'll take it :) Now if there's some type of disaster I'll have a beautiful table to sit at with my family where we can enjoy wheat, rice, oats, and beans. YUM, YUM! Thanks for the wonderful gifts!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My guilty pleasure

I love Reality Television. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to admit I even watch some of the shows out there, but I can't help it. They all suck me in after one viewing. It's that time of year when all of my shows are coming to an end. I hate it. Then I have to deal with the BORING summer line up. So anyways~I have followed Survivor and The Bachelor since the beginning. I loved both of them this season. I really wanted Amanda to win the Bachelor but I ended up kind of liking Shayne in the end. We'll see if that one works out though. As far as Survivor goes, I was shocked. I thought for sure Amanda would win.....Bummer! Was that not the cutest thing Ozzy said to her at tribal council? So for all of my fellow Reality T.V. viewers-what were your thoughts?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Being a Mother.....

So let's be honest.....Motherhood is hands down the hardest, most underpaid, most unappreciated job in the world. But it's in those special, quiet, personal moments with your children where it becomes the most rewarding. There are times when I think to myself "I cannot get one more glass of juice, wipe down one more toilet, pick up one more toy, and hear one more child whine." It's through those trying times that I have learned, patience,love,commitment, how to be a good listener, and the list goes on. My children have taught me so much more than I could have learned without them. There have been times when I have felt guilty for not finishing school and maybe one day I will. But I do know that I have been educated in many ways through being a Mother. I hope my kids know I would do anything for each one of them. I'm a wife and mother before anything. That's my first calling in life. I am a mother because I love the Lord. I want to full fill the commitments I have made to him. If anything I hope I am teaching my children the truth so that they may one day teach theirs. That would be the best gift they could give to me as their Mother!

Happy Mother's Day

"Mother Dear, We love you so..."
Dave and I wanted to take a second and wish both of you a wonderful day. We know it must be hard to celebrate with most of your children gone, but know that even though we are miles away we are still thinking of you.
(Dave is speaking while Nicole is typing)...Mom, you're a great Mom. You did a wonderful job raising 5 boys. You are a good cook and make a mean casserole. You are caring and loving. You gave me the gift of HUMOR and have the talent of making others smile. You are a wonderful piano player. You are great with my kids, and most of all....drum roll... you do a damn good job at vacuuming!
Mom, I could be here for hours listing your qualities, but most of all I just wanted to say thank you for always listening to my phone calls. I know since I've moved away from home that I've probably ran up your cell phone minutes along with Natalie's and Alyson's too. I appreciate the fact that you let me talk while you listen.
Being a Mother can be very hard and trying at times but I want you to know you did a wonderful job at it and still are. Thanks for doing the best you could and giving motherhood 100%.

Friday, May 9, 2008

My Three Special Grandmother's

With Mother's Day coming up I wanted to pay tribute to my Grandma's. I'm a lucky girl. I still have three healthy and happy Grandma's. I've learned so much from each one of them and hopefully have taken that with me when it has come to parenting my own children. If I could thank them most for one thing though, it would be for giving me two wonderful parents. I thank them for that and I thank them for being wonderful grandmothers and great grandmothers also.
My Grandma's have given me some special memories that I could go on and on about but the ones that stick out most are.....
My Grandma Hooper... I love my Grandma's potato salad and her bottled pickles. I love the smell of her house. I love the smell of Jergens Cherry Almond lotion because of her. I love Logan, and I absolutely admire her for the genealogy she has done.
My Grandma Elene... I love my Grandma's sarcasm. I love her picture wall in her house. I love the smell of her car. I love meeting her for lunch. I love that her fingernails are always done, and I love vanilla coke just like she does.
My Grandma Mare...I love my Grandma's smile. I love her style. I love how she has so much energy for life. I love how she entertains. I loved going on all granddaughter vacations with her. Especially to Palm Springs. (Remember that crazy one Mindy and Emily...Oh good times! Even though the drinks were on me. LOL!)

Thanks Grandma's. You're the best!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Poor Little Ryleigh

So my Smiley Ryleigh hasn't been so smiley the past couple of days. She got out of bed yesterday and cried out in pain that she couldn't walk. When I looked under her foot this is what I found. I watched it for a few hours and then decided it would be best to take her in to her Pediatrician. I kind of wondered if it was a spider bite but wanted a professional opinion, especially not being from around here and familiar with the spiders.
The doctor said it could perhaps be a Brown Recluse spider bite but wasn't 100%. So he gave us a strong prescription for an antibiotic, told us to soak her foot 2x a day for two days, really keep our eyes on it, and if I didn't notice any changes for the good to give him a call.
So in the meantime I've been researching spider bites and freaking myself out. Note to self: don't go online and research, it just does crazy things to the mind. I called my favorite doctor "Dr. Jim" (my father in law) and he helped put my mind at ease, saying that it didn't look like a Brown Recluse to him. So now we're keeping an eye on it hoping for some visual changes tomorrow. I would hate if my little Ryleigh had to go in for surgery. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

YW Standards Night

We had our Young Women Standards Night tonight and it turned out great. We used this years theme "Steadfast and Immovable" along with this Jenny Phillips C.D. as our guide. We touched on modesty, image, and becoming more like him. If you don't have this C.D. already I would encourage to buy it. I love it. It's one of those C.D.'s where when you listen to it alone in your car you catch yourself crying. I love my calling and I love our Young Women. I love having smaller numbers. I feel like it really gives me the chance to get to know each one of them on a more personal level. I have the best calling!

"Don't spend your life wishing you looked like her....Spend your life becoming more like Him."

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Rees Clan

(This picture is a little old. Missing are Blake-in Kim's belly and Ryleigh-in my belly!)
I spend so much time bragging about my family that I tend to forget I have another family that is just as amazing and wonderful. Those of you who know the Rees' know that they are one of the most fun families. Dave along with his brothers have the best humor. They never take one another too serious and that's what I love about each one of them. My sister in laws are great too. They're both so laid back and easy going. How can I complain about that. I have been very blessed to have each one of them in my life and my kids lives. If I had to explain the Rees' in a few words this is what I would say~
Non-Judgemental, Humorous, Laid Back, Unselfish, and very accepting of others.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Our Cara Bear

CaraAnn is the cutest little thing ever. I just love her to pieces. There have been many times where I have felt sorry for her because she tends to take the back seat to Ryleigh. Those of you who know Cara know that....

She is a firecracker! Full of spunk and personality.
She has no fear! She will give anything a least once.
She is a leader not a follower.
She is a team player and makes friends extremely easy.
She is a pretty little thing with a big smile (shown above).
Cara is very affectionate and loves to be loved.
She is extremely funny.

We are constantly entertained by Cara and so blessed to have her as part of our family.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Carson Rocks Guitar Hero 3

Dave and I are a little behind the times. We just recently purchased Guitar Hero 3. I must admit it's very addicting. I can see why so many of the blogs I read have Guitar Hero Posts. It's definitely an easy source of entertainment. Dave and I love watching Carson play. He gets so into it. His head bops every time he hits a note. Here's a backstage pass to Carson's performance of "Welcome To The Jungle."

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Dear Friend Cheri
I meant to post this last month (yesterday) but didn't get to it. With April being National Friends Month I decided I wanted to pay tribute to my dear friend Cheri Sharp. Cheri was just recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer and is also due with her 4th child this month. Cheri is one of the strongest, caring, most Christlike people I know. Being pregnant is one thing, but having chemo treatments on top of that and knowing it could possibly be harming your baby is another. Since her diagnosis I have not heard her complain or feel sorry for herself once. If we could all be more like you Cheri. I had the opportunity of working under Cheri for two years in the Young Women's organization. She taught me everything I know when it comes to leadership and loving the girls and I thank her for that. Cheri you are amazing! Because of your love for your family, the gospel, and life, I truly believe you will fight this. Our prayers and thoughts continue to be with you.