Sunday, November 29, 2009

Oh Girl

Out walks a naked Olivia into the room where JaDee and Ethan were playing Risk. Her eyes were covered by her hands.

"I don't want anyone to see me." she says. "I need a bath."

JaDee guides her by the arm into the bathroom and turns on the water. Only then does he notice the sweet smell of cotton candy coming from his daughter. But not actual cotton candy. It was in fact, my perfume, Pink Sugar.

"I don't want Mom to see me." I hear Olivia say from the TV room where Carter and I were just finishing the Amazing Race.

I trot back to the tub in time to see this:

peeking out from behind her fingers.

Surprisingly, not a lipstick was smashed. Nor was an eyeliner left on the counter. Her crime scene was very well put back together. And except for the nauseating smell of too much cotton candy, Olivia would have gotten away with it.

Good thing she has a such a sleuth for a mom.

And with no graceful segue...

...our turkey was stuffed, cooked and eaten.
Our pie was delicious even for breakfast the rest of the weekend.
We had 2 other "orphan" families over for dinner and divided the Thanksgiving tasks into manageable job sharing.
The day was very good.
Even when I was a drill sergeant getting the house clean.

The next morning 2 girlfriends and I hit Wal-Mart at 5 AM then Best Buy, Target and Old Navy. I am 3 gifts away from being done!!
We got our tree permit to cut our 13-15 foot tree on Dec 1 but the other decorating is done.
My blog is changed for the season.

All that his left is tree decorating, present wrapping, shipping to only 5 states, 150 or so Christmas cards (with our new address securly fastened to the corner so I am sure to get many cards in return), a ward Christmas party to help cook and decorate for, one work party for JaDee, a ballet recital, a band concert, service project to the old folks home with the cub scouts, and neighbor gifts.

Bring on Christmas!


Amy said...

So cute! Her lipstick was very evenly applied! Thanks for taking in the orphaned families. We were taken in by a family in our ward - forever GRATEFUL for them. Sounds like your holidays are already productive!

Courtney said...

Livvie is always so funny! She did a great job for a 4 year applying makeup. Maybe she needs a makeup kit for Christmas? Or will that just encourage her further? Way to go getting most of your Christmas shopping done. I still have to buy a present for Stephen from Blake :) & the grandkids on Blake's side exchanged names so "Brooke" has to buy a present for Henry. Other than that, I am done. Oh, Katie and her mom were pretty grossed out that the liver was included in our stuffing recipe. I was grossed out by learning that "giblits" is code work for "turkey organs"

Anonymous said...

Oliva is too cute. I am hating you (okay really just jealous) that you have even started Christmas shopping as I have only just started to think about it. Meaning that Matt gave me a budget. I am just one of those nutty people that can not think about Christmas until the company from Thanksgiving is home and settled!

Cara said...

Oh that Olivia! She looked so beautiful, she really knows how to get that eyeliner on! Glad you are getting Christmas under control. Mitch just ordered a doozy of a present for JaDee!

Ryanne said...

That is so Senneca! Senneca isn't as good as Olivia at hiding the evidence though. What are you doing for neighbor gifts?

Kolbi Young said...

Great play by play! Funny story about Pink Sugar. My co-worker's wife is a perfume rep at Nordstrom. I stopped by and she gave me some samples to try. I loved the Pink Sugar and told my co-worker such. He told me that his wife classifies perfume into various categories such as "old lady", "fruity", etc. Apparently Pink Sugar falls into the "Hooker" category. (Note: these are categories that she makes up to categorize smells) So maybe I do like smelling like a hooker :)

Meredith said...

that little girl is precious! especially in her attempt to "cover up" the crime. sooooo cute!!

Nice bird!!

Love your Christmas blog look!!

A little quote or two...

“There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.” -Washington Irving

"Education enriches the mind and enlightens the
soul," --Nicole Moncur 2008

"Reading can be dangerous." --Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale

BOOK HOUSE from the paper of my Grandfather Sidney W. Campbell

I always think the cover of a book is like a door Which opens into someone's house where I've not been
before. A pirate or a fairy queen may lift the latch for me. I always wonder when I knock, what welcome there will be. And when I find a house that's dull, I do not often stay But when I find one full of friends, I'm apt to spend the day. I never know what sort of folks will be within you see. And that's why reading always is so interesting to me. ~~Annie Fellows Johnston

The Moncur Fam

The Moncur Fam
September 2006 look for a new one this summer