Here's a bunch of photos from the New Mexico Albuquerque MUFON gig this past weekend.
Many thanks to John and Susan LeMaster for the dinners, accommodation, and good times! There were 3 of us speaking at the gig, me, Nick Pope, and John Alexander. And around 300 people turned out for the event.
Definitely one of the stand-out events was a visit to the home of UFO researcher/author, David Marler.
David has a massive (and I do mean massive) collection of UFO books, magazines, periodicals, memorabilia, UFO collections from various old-timers from Ufology, and an incredible collection of material on the Contactee movement, and much much more - including a garage full of filing-cabinets filled with things like old APRO mags, clippings, old and rare journals and way more.
Good mate Greg Bishop would be foaming at the mouth at the sight of it all!
David very generously let me photograph some of his collection for posting here. As you can see from the photos, it includes first issues of both Fate and Gray Barker's Saucerian.
Also, as you'll see, David has a couple of items of note for those interested in the "Flatwoods Monster" saga of 1952 - including one publication which has a 3-page hand-written statement from Kathleen May, one of the original witnesses.
If you know the history of the CIA's and US Air Force's involvement in the UFO controversy, you'll know the name Dewey Fournet. David owns Fournet's briefcase which he (Fournet) used when he was interviewed by the CIA's Robertson Panel and which contained copies of the old USAF files that Fournet handed over to the panel.
Check out too the "gate clearance" card for access to the old Roswell base way back when. You'll see the signature is that of Major Edwin Easley, who - as Provost Marshal - was one of the central figures in the Roswell crash saga.
I could go on and on...and on. But, that's enough of me. Here's the photos...