Sunday, 4 August 2024

20 Years!!!!: A Heartfelt Thank You and 'See Ya Later'!!!

Hey everyone! You won't believe this, but today's post marks literally 20 years since I first kicked off this blog back in 2004, when I was studying in Australia!! Waaaat?! Isn't that crazy?! Check out the very, very first post, "Sleeves Rolled Up and Here We Go..." HERE.

So my plan for a while now has been for this blog to come to a close on this date, Aug 4, 2024, which is why I'm posting this "final" sharing. BUT. This year, as evidenced in previous posts, has been a pretty blah one, complete with health issues (ongoing as I type) and a lack of creativity. It's not the most joyous or momentous way to end a two-decade-old platform. I wish I'd had more celebratory stuff to share as we approached this date, and had been able to share greater achievements in general (though this is entirely in the eye of the beholder, i.e. I don't think I've accomplished all that much over the past 20 years in the grand scheme of things, though others might say I'm selling myself short, and that this isn't so). 

The point is... I'm not entirely sure this WILL be the end of the blog. I'd like to keep it open for those instances when I have something important, meaningful or momentous to share. But I don't want to keep applying pressure on myself to keep this blog alive or updated, either. In today's social media world, it's increasingly irrelevant to have a blog like this... but then again, I'm currently off FB and rather inactive on Insta, so... I dunno? LOL.

I guess what I'm trying to conclude is that this is unofficially the end of Madcap Memoirs of a Malaysian Musicmaker (and its various titular iterations over the decades)... but officially? Let's never say never, eh? 

Thanks for being with me! And do ignore my tatty sleeping shirt!

So with this, I'd like to say a huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to the few (one? two?) or you who actually read this blog, and say "ta ta for now"... it's not goodbye, more likely a "see ya later". Until then... please take care of yourselves, stay safe and well, and God bless. Byebye!!!!

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