Showing posts with label water world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water world. Show all posts


Morocco Oued Massa 121112

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121110-121124 South Morocco and WestSahara
Click to enlarge All photos  NF Photo 121122

NF Photo 121112 Oued Massa , Morocco
 Looking at the shot above I was amazed. The waves looks really huge. The pink birds walking in the water is flamingoes. This place was the mouth of the river entering the Atlantic ocean. Images from my trip to Morocco last November.

Water World Wednesday

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120702 Skottland-Scotland , day 9 Monday, Islay

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Click to enlarge All photos NF Photo 120702
120702 Monday, day 9
Woke up 7.00 but stayed in bed until 7.25. It is another rainy day. Am tired after that long day yesterday. Breakfast at 8 and departure at 9. We will be birding the north part today with Malcolm as guide.
Breakfast took all morning as they absolutely have to serve at the table. And I guess only have one cook. We have started to order extra strong coffee and only dark toast as all of us like it.

We got lunch packs and left short after 9. We headed to the Nature Reserve, Loch Gruinart at the north west point of Islay to meet with Malcolm. We walked a while through a nice forest and arrived at a balcony at first with a view over the wetland. We stayed there for a while, then headed down to two different hides. It was a beautiful place but not much birds. A few ducks and herons and cows. :) Finches was hard to see as they spent their time in the bushes. Only a Linnet (hämpling) family was seen in the open. A Corncrake was heard.

View Loch Gruinart

After being there for a while we walked back and then paid a visit to the station and RSBP visitor centre. And they had some important facilities too. :)

Then we left for Ardnave Point and had our lunch picknick on the slope at the parking area. This is the place where we could find the Red-billed Chough (Alpkråka) and we did.  I think we counted 12 of them. It is also a place for a lot of sheep with colormarkingson them. I think the markings was for different owners, otherwise it seemed to have no purpose.

We were walking on the path to look for the Red-billed Choughs, sheep and some cows among other things. It was a nice area built up by sand dunes as far up north as you could come.  It was sunny and warm now. After a couple of  hours walk we needed some refreshment and had some

 afternoon coffee at the destillary Kilchoman and then we said goodby to malcolm at 17.00 ca. On our way there we passed Loch Gorm and made a stop to get some shots of a Common Stonechat(Svarthakad Buskskvätta)
 sitting nicely on a pole.

Red-billed Choughs
We headed south after the coffeebrake and drove to the Portnahaven and found us three Twites (vinterhämpling)sailing the sky. So fast I had really problems to catch them. vinterhämpling. Cool birds that was even quicker then barn swallows. I managed to get one flying shot of  2 of them. Under exposed, but still it is possible to see it is them.

We were back at the hotel  a little late. Dinner was supposed to be at 19.00h. We arrived at the hotel at 18.50 so we were a bit late to the lounge. 19,12. This was a terrible restaurant. We ordered staters at 19.20. Then main dinner and dessert. This took 3h an 5min. It was more then 10 a´clock pm before we finished dinner. I was hungry again! I really had other things to do then spend an entire evening at a table. I think it is rude to let your guests wait so long for everything. :(

Well, then we had the meeting to go through the todays birds, and yesterdays too, as it was a late eveing yesterday as well. Then finally I could go back to my room. Shower? Sorry. too late for that. Fixing shots and wrote a little then off to bed.

Morning birding tomorrow at 6.45

Birding on Islay. Guide Malcolm Ogilvie.
Loch Gruinart, ducks and vaders
Ardnave Point
Loch Indaal
Loch Gorm
Machir Bay
Portnahaven if times permit it.

120701-04 Harbour Inn, Bowmore Islay

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Birding at Hävringe

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 Hävringe 120825,  NF Photo 120825, click to enlarge all photos
Last saturday I attended a trip to Hävringe. Hävringe is a small island, about 40 min by small boat, outside Oxelösund in the middle part of Sweden. It is located at the coast of The Baltic Sea. I aded a link to a map so you can see where it is. Haevringe Lighthouse We did not visit the island of the lighthouse but the island close to that is an old pilotage site.
Well, to start from the beginning. Alarmclock was set to 04.05. When I woke up after a lousy sleep I was wondering what the h-k I was doing. I got up, fixed my lunch pack and at 4.50 I was ready to leave. I thought I had lots of time. But... as always. :)
It started out with early morning mist. Did not slow me down too much though but I wished I had more time so I could have stoped to take some pics. But i didn´t. I had to save that for another morning.

Next problem was a lot of work on the road. For a long time I had to drive slow because the road was only loose gravel. Not fun to drive on. Arriving at Nyköping the main road I shoult have been driving was closed so I had to make a detour. Now I was bothered, would I make it in time? Our guides had warned us they would not wait for late people. Well, I made it with 10 min to spare. It was a nice morning, a bit chilly but so calm the water was glassy. At 6.20 we left the harbour for a 40 min trip to the island of Hävringe.

It was really nice to see all islets in the low morning sun. Glowing with a warm yellow color. It is a sight I am not used to. And the birds starting to wake. A few roaming the skies already.

We were 17 woman on the trip. Most of us came from Nyköping and Tärnans Birders.   They took the opportunity to start a new group of female birders belonging to a group we call Rapphönan (Grey Partridge). That will be nice for the future.

House Martins - Hussvalor
The island was not big. There was a few summer houses and the larger building earlier used by the pilotage workers. We put our gear close to it and started to look around on ground, water and sky. Some emediately set up their tubes. Myself I started to walk around to check the surroundings. Then joined the group. It was not that easy to see anything as there was buildings below and trees and bushes. But we did see some interesting waterfowl like a family of Velvet Scoter (Svärta). And swallows of course.

After having something to eat we moved away from the buildings closer to the shore. Looking for birds on the water as well as the islets outside. We did see a Cuckoo on a nearby islet. A bird I did not expect to see there. But that is one of the fun thing about birds. You never know what to find. After an hour or two it started to warm up and we could take some clothes of. Getting a nice feeling of summer again. It was great walking around on the cliffs, then birding again. I did not get many bird shots as they were to far out. But I got a lot of other things in my camera.

At 13.30 we left the island and headed back to Oxelösund. On one island I spotted a Velvet Scoter and actually got a shot of it.

It was a great day and I say thanks to everybody who organized it and to all who attended.

 I was back home at 17.00h. If I was tired? You can guess. :)
I got a mail with a short report. As a group we saw/heard 53 different spieces. Myself I had one new lifer and two new species for the blog. Not bad for one day, right? :)


120628 Skottland-Scotland , day 5 Thursday, Arran

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Click to enlarge All photos,  NF Photo 120628
120628 Thursday, day 5
Woke up 5.00. Checked my mail around 6.3o. It´s been heavy rain during the night. We were supposed to meet at 7.00 As it was till raining Ola did not want to go out and it was only me and Annevi and her husband at the door. The three of us took a stroll along the bay in Locrantza. We headed out to a ruin where we saw some Eurasian Oystercatchers (strandskata) with chicks. There seem to be a lot of them here in Scotland. We also saw two Black Guillemots (Tobisgrissla). That is a beautiful one. :)

After strolling at the shore for a while we turned and went north and out to the ferry berth.  It is just a small one here taking maybe 10 cars.
(tobisgrissla, strandskateungar,mås, hussvala, rödhake)

8.30, breakfast. And that took a long time as it was served by one and only one chef.
After breakfast we left at 9.15. Driving "The string road"

 First we went uphill to see if there was any eagles and deers. During the asent it started to rain. And momentarily very heavy. We did see some deers but just barely. It was to much rain to get to se them properly. Ola decided it to be a safety hazard so we turned a´round and went back to the main road by the sea. Ola does not drive today, his roommate does.

Back at the shore we was stoped by some bikers. They were looking at three otters swimming close to shore and then entering it. People were quite excited about it. Especially when it turned out to be a young among them. But that one was hard to spot.

We birded for a while a bit more south at Kilbrannan Sound on Arrans westcoast but the weather was still troublesome. But I did get some great shots. :)

Around 12.30 we came into a community and stoped to bird for a while as the rain had stoped. I think I heard a black cap but I AM NOT SURE. Then we headed into Killoch hotel  for lunch. I took sandwiches and it was not good.

We followed the coast to the southern part of Arran and there it stoped. More rain,  not fun at all. People started to doze off in the car. On the way back at the north coast of the island somebody spotted a whale, everyone was excited. Even the sun came out for a while.

At 17.10 we arrived at the local destillary, the smallest one in Scotland. Arran Destillery. But we were too late for a tour so we could only buy something. I bought two almanacks for next year and a whisky licour. The sun was now shining and we saw some trush on the lawn. I think it is a Song Trush.

Coming back to the hotel I took a new walk to the south. Passing the ruins looking for birds but did not find anything. I was back at the hotel in time for dinner at seven. Chicken as usual,  and now I write, checking the shots and getting dry.

120627-28 Lochranza Hotel, Lochranza Arran
Tomorrow morning we leave early with the ferry. Luggage ready to load at 8.00. Then breakfast.

Middag ingår i resans pris.
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More about Scotland on NF Photo  Bird species  
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Birding on Öland 120503, Thursday

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Click to enlarge All photos 120503, South part of Öland
120503 Thursday
I woke up earlier then expected. First time at 5.00h. Next time at 6.15, Then I went up. I had a cup of coffee and eat a boiled egg. I realised that egg so early is better then eating bread. Well, I left for Ottenby att 7.00.
There is supposed to be two Sanderlings next to a gull on this shot. Can you see them? 

It was not that much birds this morning. But I met Göran who stood at the point counting birds. As he usually do I think. This is a scientific exercise and the counting is done the same way by everybody who works with it.

I saw Common Scoter (Sjöorre) flying by but did not manage to get a shot. They seems never to go down on the water close to the shore. Only flying by. Then Göran showed me 2 Sanderlings (sandlöpare). They seem to be rare here. A new bird to me as well. I don´t think I have seen it anyway. That makes for two new birds I think. For tomorrow he promised me that there would be some Ortolan Bunting (Orlandosparvar) on the road to Ottenby. :) Well, we´ll see about that.
Talk about being redlegged. :) In the backlight it is very red. Common Redshank (rödbena) 

Done at Ottenby for the morning I went back to the hostel to make coffe and bread. And prepare to go and look for another bird that was seen at Seby. March Sandpiper (Dammsnäppa). A sandpiper with very long legs. Didn´t help, I did not find it. It should not come to Sweden at all. So, maybe it was a false alarm. I had a hard time finding this location too. In the meantime, as I was trying to find the right road, I tried to get to Segerstad lighthouse but ended up backing my car as there was a huge waterpuddle on the dirtroad and I could not see how deep the water was. I did not dare continue through it. The time was not all wasted though as I saw some Northern Wheatear (stenskvättor) and a lot of curiosus cows that was wondering what I was doing. :)
Well, finally I found the place at Seby, but I did not find the bird. Instead I found a nice part of the coast. This part is located on the east coast of the island. Facing the Baltic Sea.   :)

The island is full of hare. I wonder how that happened? Have not seen that many before.

After that I drowe across the Island to Degerhamn and continued to Eckelsudde. The waterlevel was very low as it had been on the other locations also. Lots of stone and gravel where it normally was water. Maybe that was one reason for the lack of birds. Some ducks still there, shelducks mostly,  and geeze, But hardly any waders. Or maybe just the fine, sunny weather made the birds heading north and left me to see nothing. :(

I went to Mörbylånga Suger factory wetland, same thing almost empty of birds. Then south again, visiting Sandvik and Grönhögen golf clubs coastline. Same thing hardly any birds, only the Common Shelduck (gravand) was in rather great numbers and a passing by Oystercatcher (strandskata). 

Took a quick look at Ottenby again before going back to have dinner. Ottenby was empty of both birds and birders. :( Only 2 Yellow Wagtails (gulärlor) was there and a few Eurasian Oystercatchers (strandskator) and gulls. And Common Linnet (hämpling) , at least 15 of them. 

I had my dinner and then had a chat with some other birders staying on the hostel.

Södra Udden - Sout Point of Ottenby in the light of the setting sun. 

At 19.00 h I went back to Ottenby. A female Blackcap (svarthätta) was in the garden and some more terns had showed up. Some seals were in place too. I did not wait for the sun to go down before I headed back.

Took a quick shower and washed my hair. My alarmclock don´t work. The battery is out. But I guess I will wake up early anyway.
More about Öland here:  The birds   Photography
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Birding on Öland 120502

Click to enlarge All photos 120502
World Bird Wednesday LXXVIII
NF Waters     Our World Tuesday     Water World 15

120502 Wednesday
Jag vaknade kl 5.50 så det var lika bra att gå upp och göra sig i ordning.

I woke up at 5,50 a bit early, but I went up just the same. I would not have slept any more anyway. So better get started. It took some time to get ready even if I had done most of the packing and preparations last night.
I as ready to start at 7.50 and headed towards Norrköping, GPS and all. GPS is good but not always reliable. It took me the old way in to Norrköping and then I got lost because the turns were to close to one another. Well, GPS always know how to lead you another way so finally I got out the right way and continued south to Gamleby.
I arrived at Gamleby around 10 and then I took the old way down to Västervik. I stoped at Segersgärde to see it there were any birds and to have a cup of coffe and a sandwich. There was not much birds, mainly greylag goose.

I continued down to Västervik and then took the main road down to Kalmar.

I stoped at Emån for another cup of coffe. I reached Kalmar and the Öland bridge after almost 6h in the car, at 13.30.  
View from the traffic resting place at Emån where I had a break.

Ölandsbron - Öland bridge seen from Öland with Kalmar on the mainland in the background. The bridge is a little more then 6.000 m long.

I stoped at Bejershamn at 14.00 for the first birding walk. Sun shining and it was warm. Down here it is much greener then at home. I love that. :)
I birded along the shore and saw some ducks and waders and some others.
Pied Avocet /skärfläcka, chaffinch / bofink, graylag goose / grågås,canadian goose / kanadagås, Shelduck / gravand, sea eagle / havsörn, Yellow Wagtail  / gulärla 12 st, different waders /vadare, ruff / brushane, Common ringed plover  / strandpipare, barn swallow / Ladusvala
Kärrsnäppor / Dunlins in Bejershamn NF Photo 120502, collage
After a while it started to get windy and the wind was cold and I had my warm outfit in the car.
:( So I headed back. It was time anyway as I had to be at the Vandrarhem at 17.00h. There was not much people so I got a room for myself. I got settled in and had my dinner.

Then I took the car down to Ottenby Bird Observatory.

At the driveway down to the observatory I was greeted by this gorgeous couple. Skedand / Northern Shoveler

The Lighthouse Långe Jan / Tall John

I went back to the Youth Hostel when the sun set. 20.50.
But before I went back to the Hosel for the night  I got myself a new header to the Photoblog.
You can see it here: NF Photo

To see the birds from Öland go HERE
To see Öland Photography go HERE

Flockar m Kärrsnäppa, årta 3 st, småtärna flyg o dyk.
Ladusvala,hussvala,skedand,strandskata,större strandpipare,kråka,skarv,säl,rödhake,sv-v flugsnappare, gärdsmyg, rödstjärt,eider,knölsvan,skrattmås, snatterand,
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