ISLAND 2014-05-28--06-04
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Faxafoss located a bit south of Gullfoss
© NF Photos 140603
Faxafoss is not as well known as Gullfoss, and it was hard to find online, but our guide thought it to be nicer. Not as powerfull but in a way nicer. And it have what seem to a salmon ladder.
© NF Photos 140603
Strokkur blows in Geysir Nat Park
© NF Photos 140603
And this will be the end of reports from Iceland. But images will still be used now and then in other of my blogs.
This days trip report HERE
Island/Iceland on NF Photo NF Bird NF World
Travel Photo Monday Our World Tuesday
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Faxafoss located a bit south of Gullfoss
Faxafoss is not as well known as Gullfoss, and it was hard to find online, but our guide thought it to be nicer. Not as powerfull but in a way nicer. And it have what seem to a salmon ladder.
Strokkur blows in Geysir Nat Park
And this will be the end of reports from Iceland. But images will still be used now and then in other of my blogs.
This days trip report HERE
Island/Iceland on NF Photo NF Bird NF World
Travel Photo Monday Our World Tuesday