Showing posts with label Gueliz Hotel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gueliz Hotel. Show all posts


121123 Morocco Day 14 Friday, Seabirds Agadir

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Water World   Ourdoor Wednesday   Wild Bird Wednesday  Our World Tuesday
121110-121124 South Morocco and WestSahara
Click to enlarge All photos  NF Photo 121123

121123 Morocco Day 14 Friday, Seabirds

Woke up early and went out for a stroll in the hotel garden,  parks and the beach before going back to pack and have breakfast. I tried to find one of the birds we have not seen but didn´t see it.

 I like the breakfast at this hotel. Really great. The bags will stay in a luggage room over the day. We were a bit late as our second party, a man from Scotland, was waiting at the wrong hotel. But finally we embarked at the harbour. The boat was rather small and had seen better days. Probably a luxuary yaht in it days of glory. Going to the loo was not fun.

When we left the harbour we saw a Peregrine Falcon (pilgrimsfalk) snatch a Sandwitch Tern (Kentsk tärna). Funny thing is that severel of us was preparing to take a shot of the tern and did not see the falcon coming. A great experience indeed.

But  after that there was not much more. I think it was rather empty of birds but Anders seemed rather pleased. Or he pretended to in order to cheer us up.

I was confused about the haze over land until I realized it was sand in the air.

We saw the Cory´s Shearwater (gulnäbbad lira) and Red Phalarope (brednäbbad simsnäppa). There were lots of food served omboard so we were certainly not hungry when we came back to the harbour around 15.00h.
There was food for the birds also but with the lack of birds most of it was left when we turned back. We throw it out to the terns and gulls. That was the fun thing of the day if you ask me.

At one point I was rather pissed. I was just seated at the table when the Red Phalarope came into view. Like everybody else I wanted to see it and to take shots. But I was locked at the table with people on both sides and could not get out. And People standing right in the sight path not moving aside despite I begged them to move sideways and even though they was able to do it they did not. I got one shot below somebodys armpit. From the back of course.  :(

We went back to the hotel to pick up our luggage and then started the journey to Marrakesh . We took the highway this time to shorten the trip. It still took several hours. We arrived at Gueliz Hotel about 19.00h. M is very dirty and dusty and I felt it as soon as we arrived. Not a great feeling at all. My lungs would not like to live there.

Birdlist at 20.00 and then dinner. A bufé again. Tired and slept with the computer in my knee again.

Tomorrow at 9.30 we go to the market and around town. Back to the hotel for a quick shower before we go the airport.
The morning view from my hotelroom in Agadir 121123
Mer om Södra Marocko och Västsahara på NF Photo Marockos fåglar
More about South Morocco and Westsahara on NF Photo Moroccan Bird species


day 14, 121123 Friday, Seabirds by boat then transport to Marrachech
day 14, 121123 Friday, night in Marrakech
Gueliz Hotel, Avenue Hassan II, Marrakech, Tel 05 24 42 52 00
see day 1


121110 Morocco Day 1 Saturday, travel day to Marrakech

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121110-121124 South Morocco and WestSahara
Click to enlarge All photos  NF Photo 121110

121110 Morocco Day 1 Saturday, travel day
Woke up 3.15 and went up to get ready to leave at 4.20 when the taxi arrived. I got to the station in good time. It was not that cold +4 deg C.
At the station a dark man started t o talk to me. Kind of nice but a bit weird. He asked me if I was going to Africa. I said yes and then he asked me if I could buy hime some shell necklace and bracelet.
He gave me a tel no and his name so I could contact him if I found any. After I went on the train and he did not I was a but suspisious. Did he se my adress?? No way of knowing. But probably not.

Uppsala C,  NF Photo 121110
The train went according to plan for a change and I had my breakfast on my way to Uppsala. In Uppsala I had to go back south in order to get to Arlanda. I was there rather early and had good time to look around in some gift shops.

I met the group on Arlanda and we were airborne at 13.50, 45 min late, I had a windowseat but there was almost nothing to see at first so I slept for a while. When we were above the clouds there was nothing else to see. All europe was covered with clouds. It was only at 17,00 h and we were already over north Morocco before it cleared up. I had a window seat with a rather clean window. The window was partly covered with icicles and gave some cool BOKEH effects. The route was over france and spain. We landed in Marrakech at 18.00 and had to stand almost 45 min before we could go through pass control to get our visa no which we had a lot of use for later on. We also had to find a place to change our money to Moroccan currency, dirham. And that took time too.

 At 20,00h we arrived at the hotel Ryad Mogador Gueliz and got our rooms. The hotel was located at a rather busy street. We met again at 20.45 in the lobby for a brief introduction and then dinner. I took pasta and chicken. Tasted rather good. The hotel provides wifi in the lobby and I was able to go online and tell people I was where I was supposed to be. Time is now 22.54 local time and I will go to bed.

Tomorrow morning breakfast at 6.15 and ready to leave at 7.00h 

View from my balcony with Marrakesh in the background. NF Photo 121110

Shadow Shot Sunday2    Mandarin Orange Monday

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121110 Stockholm ARN departure 13.10 - Marrakech 17.25 
121110 Saturday, night in Marrakech    
Gueliz Hotel, Avenue Hassan II, Marrakech, Tel 05 24 42 52 00
Mer om Södra Marocko  och Västsahara på NF Photo Marockos fåglar
More about South Morocco and Westsahara on NF Photo    Moroccan Bird species ** Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,   , , , , , , , ,


Morocko and West Sahara Travel data

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121110-121124 Marocko och Västsahara  -  Morocco and WestSahara
Click to enlarge All photos
121110  Saturday, day 1
121110 Stockholm ARN   departure 13.10  -  Marrakech 17.25
121124 Marracech            departure 18.10 -  Stockholm Arn  24.00

Day activities and Hotels:
day 1, 121110  Saturday,    night in Marrakech
           Gueliz Hotel, Avenue Hassan II, Marrakech, Tel 05 24 42 52 00
           wi-fi på rummen

day 2  121111 Sunday        Tamri, Cap Rhir images
day 2, 121111  Sunday,      night in Agadir
           Oasis Hotel, Boulevard Mohamed V, Agadir   Tel 05 28 84 33 13
     internet access

day 3, 121112 Monday, Oued Massa (on Panorimo), Barrage Youssef-ben-Tachfine, (dammen foton)
day 3, 121112  Monday,     night in Guelmim Gateway to the Desert
           Hommes blues Hotel, 447 Ave. HassanII. Guelmim   Tel 05 28 77 28 21
           can´t find it,  Hotel au rendez-vous des hommes bleus

day 4, 121113 Tuesday,     Guelmin, Oued Sayad, Oued Boussafen, Oued Draa, Tan Tan Plage
day 4, 121113  Tuesday,      night in Tan-Tan Plage
           Hagounia Hotel, Tan Tan Plage.  Tel 05 28 87 90 20

day 5, 121114 Wednesday, Tan Tan Plage, Oued Chebika, Oued Fatma, Oued Ouaar, Khnifiss Lagoon
day 5, 121114  Wednesday, night in Laayoune
           Sahara Line Hotel, Avenue Kairawane, Laayoune  Tel 05 28 99 22 26
           wi-fi access

day 6, 121115 Thursday,  Oas vid Laayoune, div stop
day 6, 121115  Thursday,    night in Dakhla
           Bab El Bahr Hotel, Ave Al Moukaouama, Dakhla.   Tel 05 28 93 14 40
           wireless internet complimentary in public areas,

day 7, 121116  Friday,        Dakhla Bay,
day 7, 121116  Friday,       night in Dakhla
           Bab El Bahr Hotel, Ave Al Moukaouama, Dakhla. Tel 05 28 93 14 40

day 8, 121117 Saturday,    Aousard, Oued Jenna, div stop på återvägen
day 8, 121117  Saturday,   night in Dakhla           Dakhla on Panorimo
           Bab El Bahr Hotel, Ave Al Moukaouama, Dakhla. Tel 05 28 93 14 40

day 9, 121118  Sunday,  Gleb Jdiane, Dakhla Bay, ev fri tid
day 9, 121118  Sunday,      night in Dakhla
           Bab El Bahr Hotel, Ave Al Moukaouama, Dakhla. Tel 05 28 93 14 40
           see day 6

day 10, 121119 Monday    återväg t Laayoune, stop här o där
day 10, 121119 Monday    night in Laayoune
             Sahara Line Hotel, Avenue Kairawane, Laayoune Tel 05 28 99 22 26
             see day 5

day 11, 121120 Tuesday,   återväg t Tan Tan Plage, stop här o där
day 11, 121120 Tuesday,    night in Tan-Tan Plage
             Hagounia Hotel, Tan Tan Plage. Tel 05 28 87 90 20
             see day 4

day 12, 121121 Wednesday, åter t Guelmim,
day 12, 121121 Wednesday, night in Guelmim       Guelmim on Panorimo
             Hommes blues Hotel, 447 Ave. HassanII. Guelmim   Tel 05 28 77 28 21
             see day 3

day 13, 121122 Thursday,   åter mot Agadir, Oued Massa, Oued Sous
day 13, 121122 Thursday,    night in Agadir
             Oasis Hotel, Boulevard Mohamed V, Agadir Tel 05 28 84 33 13
             see day 2

day 14, 121123 Friday,      Seabirds by boat then transport to Marrachech
day 14, 121123 Friday,         night in Marrakech
             Gueliz Hotel, Avenue Hassan II, Marrakech, Tel 05 24 42 52 00
             see day 1

day 15, 121124 Saturday,   spare time?  
day 15, 121124 Saturday,   going home, night at ARN.   Departure 18.10 - Stockholm Arn 24.00
              A visit at the Marrachesh market Djemma El Fna before going to the airport.

A great page for info: blog om södra delen
Oued Jenna
Sahelsångare - Cricket warbler
Great to know about:
coffee / Kaffe           Black coffee without milk        =              qahwa kabla
water / vatten            utan kolsyra                              =              Sidi Ali
water / vatten            utan kolsyra                              =              Sidi Harazem
water / vatten           med  kolsyra                              =               Oulmès


Reseledare Anders Blomdahl
Ringgatan 2
Ronneby Tel 0457-26654 mobil 0709-326663
Cricket Warbler or Cricket Longtail   Spiloptila clamans
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More about Morocco on NF Photo  Bird species
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