NF Waters #47
Welcome to a new edition of NF Waters. A meme for everything about waters. Get wet and have fun!
Välkommna till en ny utgåva av NF Waters. Memet för allting som har med vatten att göra. Bli blöt och ha kul.
click to enlarge
NF Photo 120825 Oxelösund
A shot from August that I been waiting to post. I took it on a birding trip to Hävringe in the Baltic sea.
linking up with Himmelsk Sky Watch Friday Weekend Reflection
N O T E !
I´ll be off to Morocco the next two weeks. As I have 4 memes I will probably just mess things up if I try to put all of them on schedule. But I decided to keep them open until I am back. That way you can always scroll down to the meme of your choise and post your shots every week if you like. All 4 memes is visible on the first page at all times. I might be able to connect and check on you, but as I hear power and Internet connection is not reliable in Morocco. We are advised to bring candles. :)
Have fun till I´m back!
Look for rules in the sidebar. - Regler finns i sidlisten.
Labels: NatureFootstep, nfphoto, foto, photography, natur, naturfoto, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, photo meme, Bildverkstan, photo manipulation, photo shop, art, konst, sweden, sverige, Monica Johansson, NF Macro, NF Flowers,NF Winged editing, NF Waters, NF Memes
,fotograf Hävringe, lighthouse, fyr, kust, Östersjön, Baltic Sea