click to enlarge All photos NF Photo 120502
I was greeted by this beautiful Sea Eagle almost as soon as I arrived at the island Öland.
I started birding at Bejershamn about 5 miles south of the bridge between Kalmar on the mail land and Öland.
Grågås - Anser anser - Greylag Goose
The Greylag goose already had chicks.
Gravand - Tadorna tadorna - Common Shelduck
This duck was searching for food and it´s companion at the shoreline.
Gulärla - Motacilla flava - Yellow wagtail
On the other side of the path was some wagtails looking for food.
And lastly, today, just because I like it. A shot of some waders. But I don´t know who.
NF Waters 23 World Bird Wednesday LXXVII NatureNotes 158
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