Showing posts with label Fresh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fresh. Show all posts

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Mince Pie Danish Pastry (The Co-Op)

Hurrah, It's Christmas Eve!!! Before I start with the review, I just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope you have a lovely celebration, manage to avoid killing the pesky uncle, and enjoy lots of yummy food. 


I often wonder why Bert puts up with me. He's a very good egg and all my friends and family love him too. Not only has he stuck by me through thick and thin but he continues to show more faith in me than I have in myself -I have an awful lot to be grateful for. One of the many ways he supports me is through this blog; many-a-time he's persuaded me not to give it up when I've felt like it, and every evening he waits patiently for me to take photos of my treats for instagram or reviews. I think I almost took the biscuit this week though when I called him at work just before he was due to leave, and asked him to make a detour round grid-locked Hereford to find me a Danish Pastry.

That bleeding orange & cranberry Danish had rekindled my affinity towards the buttery bakery treats -damn you Waitrose!- and since then I'd spotted the ultimate festive pastry creation that I couldn't bear waiting until Christmas morning for: The Mince Pie Danish*. Well, that's not exactly accurate, for I'd seen the price sign in the Co-Op, directing me to where they should have been. I'd since popped into my local branch three times to check if they'd received any, until the manager got sick of me pestering and informed me that they wouldn't be having any more until next Christmas. Boo. 

*Lightbulb moment!* There's a bigger Co-Op the other side of town (where I found the pb&j ice cream and apple crumble doughnuts), and they might have some festive pastries left...
Poor Bert agreed to my mission, and off he pootled to the Co-Op on his way home. He was successful (even snapchatting me the below image to ensure he's got the right pastry!) but it took him an hour (instead of 10 minutes) to get back. The Mince Pie Danish had better be worth it. 

Whereas the Waitrose Danish was a snail/whirl shape, this was cushion style, complete with a generous mincemeat centre and icing drizzle. The oily residue left in the paper back indicated how much greasier this was than the Orange & Cranberry version. 

Texture wise it was softer, but also almost raw. Mary Berry would certainly not be happy with the soggy bottoms here, but I'm a bit partial to under-cooked pastry (and Yorkshire puddings for that matter). The rawness didn't stop there however, for the pastry had large unattractive lumps of suet floating about in it. This was a shame because the flavour of it was good and the combination of super-rich pastry with mincemeat could've been wonderful -after all Eccles cakes are a gift to mankind. I still enjoyed it though, but it wasn't a patch on Waitrose!

So far my experiences with the Co-Op's bakery has been distinctly unsuccessful. Have any of you had better luck? Is there anything you can recommend?

Sorry for the goose chase Bert. 


*Yep, still loving the mince pies... 

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Tesco Bakery Mince Pie Cookies

Its only 42 days to go. In 6 weeks time It'll be Christmas Eve and I shall be looking forward to watching The Snowman and eagerly anticipating the joy of watching people open their pressies! Please tell me you're excited too? If not, Bah Humbug.

By then I will probably be sick of the sight of mince pies, but at the moment they still fill me with delight. One of the festive activities I most looked forward to as a child was spending the day with my grandmother making buttery pastry cases and filling them with gooey mincement before carefully watching them turn golden brown in the oven. 

 I was overjoyed when Kev (@Kevsnackreviews) posted a picture on Instagram of Tesco's mince pie cookies. They produced them last year too, but sadly I didn't have the opportunity to try them- so I had to make sure I didn't miss out this year. 

Just to be clear: they are mincemeat filled cookies, not mincemeat flavoured cookies. They've also released 'Melting Snowman Cookies' which have white chocolate centres for anyone who is not a fan of mince pies. Each cookie is slightly smaller than the regular bakery cookies, but they each have a decent sized bulge in the middle. Unfortunately the filling had seeped through the cookies making them all somewhat sticky.

The cookie was typically sweet whilst perfectly soft and chewy. The mincemeat was delicately spiced and full of lovely plump raisins- however the combination of sugary filling and outer biscuit resulted in an overwhelmingly sickly cookie. It turns out that Granny knows best and good old shortcrust pastry is a better vehicle for mincemeat. 

I'm not sure I've made up my mind about these cookies. I like the idea, and I really want to  love them, but I think they're just too sweet for me.
