Showing posts with label Eggciting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eggciting. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 January 2016

NEW! Cadbury Eggciting Layers of Joy (Co-Op)

Twelfth night is over. Christmas is done, the decorations are back up in the eaves, and I'm no longer nursing a pine-needle carpet. Does that make it OK to start reviewing Easter products? I'm not sure. That said, I did write my first Christmas review back in October, so why not eh?

Today's review is of the new Creme Egg inspired Layers of Joy, Having previously experienced mixed success with the Cadbury's desserts (from the wonderful Caramellionaire and Snowy Delights to the disastrous Bubbles of Joy Duo) I hoped for the best and picked up this pack from the Co-Op for £1.

The top layer was very very sweet and syrupy, rather like a watered down version of the fondant Creme Egg centre. I should probably point out at this point, that although I adore chocolate, I am not a fan of Cadbury's iconic Easter treat. I find their sugary filling far too cloying, detracting from its creamy chocolate casing. So as a non-egg-lover, I found this top layer sickly, much preferring the standard whipped cream topping that all their other 'Layers of Joy' pots are topped with. 

The next layer was the sponge disc, and I expected it to be chocolatey like their existing products, but it wasn't. Instead it was a plain sponge,which I thought was an odd choice considering that there's no cake (chocolate or otherwise) in a Creme Egg. To make things worse it was rather hard and dry, and probably would've made a good frisbee.

Luckily, the bottom layer was the chocolate mousse, which saved the day somewhat. It was light and fluffy whilst rich and chocolatey, and by far the best part of this dessert.

If you -or your children- are Creme Egg-o-holics, and you've been eagerly awaiting their (December!) return, then give these 'Eggciting' pots a go. 

If like me however, you find them just too sweet... then you might want to give these desserts a miss too.
