Of course every family have their own traditions, and in the (almost) 9 years that Bert and I have been together we've formed our own little rituals: there's the Christmas Eve PJs (passed down from my family), the no presents until after lunch rule (his family -that one took some getting used to) and the homemade Christmas cheesecake (my own tradition). For the past 6-7 years I've religiously made said cheesecake on Christmas Eve as an alternative to the Christmas pud, and every year it changes, but it always ticks two boxes: very chocolatey & very boozy.
Poor Bert isn't the biggest chocoholic (hence why we're such a good team, he never raids my chocolate stash) and is tee-total. He also hates Xmas pud, but has obligingly munched his way through years of cheesecakes including white chocolate & Baileys, dark chocolate & Cointreau and milk chocolate & Amaretto. This year though I decided to make a cheesecake based on what he loves (especially after the Mince Pie Danish debacle) so opted for a Biscoff inspired cheesecake. I popped a pic of it up on Christmas Day and received so many requests for the extremely simple recipe that I thought I'd make a change from my normal review posts to pop it up...
N.B I can't take credit for this recipe as it's a very slight amendment from Jane's Pattiserie's, which can be found here.
Makes 8 individual Gu ramekins- but can be easily amended to suit.
Biscuit Base
- 110g Digestive Biscuits
- 110g Lotus Caramelised Biscuits
- 110g Butter
- 360g Philadelphia Cream Cheese
- 2 tsp Caramel flavouring (I used Dr Oetker's)
- 70g Icing sugar
- 200ml Double Cream
- 190g Crunchy Biscoff Spread/ Favorina Spiced Biscuit Spread
- Lotus Caramelised Biscuits
- Melt the butter in the microwave (10-20 secs should do it)
- Blitz the biscuits into fine crumbs using a blender/food processor, and mix in the melted butter. Press into 8 ramekins.
- Whip together the cream cheese, caramel flavouring, icing sugar and Biscoff until smooth using an electric whisk.
- Add the cream and whisk slowly until thick enough to stay on an upturned spoon.
- Spread the mixture over the bases and chill in the fridge until you can't resist their call!
- When serving, pop 1/2 a Lotus biscuit on top
Et voila! Simples...