Showing posts with label Occupy Wichita. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Occupy Wichita. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

"Thank you Crooks and Liars" from Wichita Zombie Crawl

On Monday (October 31, 2011) activists from Sunflower Community Action and Occupy Wichita had a Zombie Crawl to protest Wells-Fargo's involvement in pay-day lending, promoting private prisons, and funding anti-immigrant candidates. The march began right on time, a rarity, and I missed it, While many parents left with their kids to do neighborhood trick-and-treating, some folks hung around. The website Crooks and Liars donated pizzas from Nolla's Pizza and I captured the occupier's thanks.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Occuppy Wichita October 15: photo slideshow

Here are photos from today's Occupy Wichita action. There may be some video in a few days. If last week's theme was unions support the occupy movement, this week was Move-On and Van Jones' Rebuild the Dream movement. Of course, there were labor people there today, and Mo-on folks last Saturday.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Occupy Wichita October 8, 2011

It was a rainy Saturday in Wichita on October 8, but there was still a decent turnout for the Occupy Wichita event on E. Douglass. There were about 50 to 80 people there. Perhaps a little more than the previous Sunday. The crowd fell short of the 500 that some of the OW activists were hoping for. But itw as a spirited gathering. It didn't seem to be just the same people as on Sunday. For one thing, there were a number of union folks present, from the SEIU, IAM, APWU, IBEW, and Teamsters. Also members of Move-on, Wichita Democratic Socialists, Sunflower Community Action, and the Tequila Party.

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Saturday, October 08, 2011

Occupy Wichita October 8

The Occupy movement continues in Wichita as it expands nationally. There is small group meeting nightly, but today there was an effort ot get a larger turnout. Unfortunately, it was a rainy day.

A broader group of participants, including folks from the labor movement. I saw people from the APWU, IAM, IBEW, SEIU, and Teamsters.

There is still a lot that needs to be done if the movement is to be broadened and deepened. I may have some good video interviews, but they will need to be edited. In the meantime, here is a photo slideshow.