Showing posts with label Vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vacation. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Come one come all!! Part 1!

Hello!!!  Gosh darn it I did it again!  Here we are 19 months after my last post!!  I said I was going to post more often and I can't believe that much time has flown by!!  Life in itself is going by so fast that sometimes I am like wow...where did that month go...where did that year go!?  I'm sure you can relate but isn't it scary?  Wouldn't it be nice if we could just hit a pause button? I feel like the older I am getting the faster life is flying by and it is not a nice feeling.  Now I know what my Grandma meant when she use to say, "enjoy your life because it goes by in a flash"....I use to think, "nah"...she doesn't make any sense but boy was she ever right and I was wrong!!  I use to say "hurry up Friday and get here" and now I don't rush the week through because that would mean I'm rushing through life and I don't want to do that!!
So much has happened since I've talked to you last!  Let me fill you in!  Let's see, where I left off!

March 2015

We went to Rocky Gap State Park to celebrate our 29th Wedding Anniversary.  We had a really great time. Joe carved our initial's in a tree.

May 2016

I had my dance recital and Joe and Short proudly came and watched me!
Tall Graduated!!  Woohoo!!!  He received a Bachelor's of Science degree in Management Information Systems.  We are so proud!!

Grande's (not Tall) girlfriend Americano graduated too!

July 2015

Vacation!!  We had a great time in Ocean City Maryland!

August 2015

My niece had gotten married privately so my sister had an after marriage celebration!

Espresso pool side and sporting his new haircut!  Isn't he getting big?
Short's first day of 10th Grade!
So that's part 1!  Working on Part 2 as we speak!
If you could please leave a quick hello to let me know who is here, I would love to hear from you!!!
I have a WONDERFUL surprise coming up in Part 2!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vacation Pics!!!!!!!

Hi Everyone!  Thank you for your patience in my absence!  I had a much needed break and feel like I got a lot accomplished! 

Venti and Mocha move back next Thursday!  Yeah!!!  Then Sunday he leaves for a week to go to Texas and then they will be here until September.  Then he leaves for San Diego, CA until December.  We are excited to spend the remaining of Summer with them!  We haven't seen them since March so its been awhile!

Work is going okay.  My friend that started the same day as me quit last Friday which I knew she was going to and I'm so bummed that she is gone.  We got along so good and I felt like I've known her all my life.  She invited Joe and I to her Dad's beach house next weekend so that should be a lot of fun!  No kids!  hehe....

The boys are doing good...enjoying their summer.  Grande just turned 21 (pics to follow) and we took him out which I thought was pretty cool that he'd want to hang with his "cool" parents the night he turns 21....yes his friends came too and yes he drank too much!  Grande and Tall are getting ready to go to College!  They are both going to the same College (how nice is that!)....and so only Short will be left at home!  Talk about going from a full house to just one!  Should be interesting!

As you know I went to the Riviera Maya, Mexico for a week with Joe and 3 of the 4 boys.  We had a really great time.  There was a tropical storm the last 2 days there and all it did was RAIN!  Non-stop!  Then when we got to the airport in New Jersey we found that our flight to PA was canceled and had to stay in a hotel....with no luggage...I didn't even have a comb!  Boy did I look pretty!  We had to wear the same clothes any everything.  We were supposed to get home on June 28th at 10:02pm and ended up not getting home until June 29th at 2:00pm!  I had to call off of work and had to take a day off without we finally got home and I had a weeks worth of 5 people's clothing to wash.  All is done and now to enjoy the rest of summer. 

That's what's been going on with me....well at least the quick version! 
Now on to the pics!!!

How cute are those Monkey's??  And yes...they were real!




Enjoying the sun!

 Short playing in the beautiful blue water!

 Joe floating on his raft!