Docklands, February 2025

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Birthday and other festivities

It was my birthday last Thursday, and a very well celebrated birthday it was too.

Ian, Jim and I had lunch at Pipers, at the top of the lake. It was a lovely meal. Jim and Ian had a salmon risotto, which they both declared to be lovely.  I had a chicken fillet burger which was equally lovely and which was accompanied by a mountain of delicious chips.

Lunchtime view of the lake from Pipers:

Lindsey had been out for most of the day. When she returned she was bearing crayfish, prawns, asparagus and French champagne. Not a bad little birthday dinner!

Freyja and Simon arrived in Melbourne for a three week visit. Their plane landed at about 22:30, by which time I was well in bed.  Ross picked them up!

On Friday, Lindsey and I went to work.  The birthday celebrations continued.  As well as my birthday on Thursday, two other people had their birthdays on Friday. We had fish and chips and birthday cake at lunchtime.  I bought a new phone - my old one had problems with the screen.  So I bought the new one for me and had the screen fixed on the old phone and passed it on to Jim. HIs phone had stopped working ages ago and he had been making do with an ancient, very definitely Not Smart phone that Lindsey had lent him. I think he was quite pleased to get a Smarter phone which he can actually use! Then Lindsey and I left the surgery earlier than usual and meandered back to Mount Helen, where Freyja and Simon were waiting for us.

Sovereign Hill was having a Christmas Market on Friday evening.  Entry was free.  It was, therefore, extremely busy. So busy, in fact, that it was difficult to move around and most of the shops were very crowded.  Lindsey bought a few bits and pieces, but there was't anything that particularly tempted me.

Sovereign Hill, open for Christmas shopping

It was less crowded at the Lakeside farmers' market on Saturday morning. The weather wasn't particularly good, although it wasn't raining. The market was nicely busy, just not jam packed.  You stood a fair chance of being able to see the things that were available to buy and not getting squashed in the process.  We bought lots of things. Wine, fruit, eggs, bread, biscuits - all sorts of things.  Ross was in a small band of people who were singing Christmas carols.  It was all rather nice

Freyja and Simon stayed in Ballarat when Lindsey and I left. They were meeting a friend for lunch.  Lindsey and I were heading home when we got a message to say that Ian's car had developed a flat tyre and couldn't have a proper tyre fitted until next week. In the meantime it had a temporary tyre fitted and was at Emily's place back in Ballarat.  Where also was he :-)  We turned round and headed back to Town to rescue him. Eventually we made it back to the house.  Freyja and Simon returned later in the afternoon and we moseyed down into Buninyong to check out their Twilight Christmas market.  We didn't stay for the carols at 7:30. Maybe next year.

Freyja and Simon stayed at Ross's place last night.  Emily came and had dinner here with us (rack of lamb with roast potatoes, broad beans, peas and mushroom sauce, since you ask). And now it is Sunday morning. General tidying and usefulness is happening here. There are a number of Christmas markets happening in various places around us but I think we have decided to hold our resources for our forthcoming trip to Tasmania.  We might have to buy a greater luggage entitlement when we come back :-D

Jim's Sunday breakfast:
duck eggs, mushrooms, tomato and bread,
all from yesterday's market

My pressure glove for my poorly hand disappeared on Thursday.  We searched for it everywhere (except, of course, for the place that was :-D ). We tidied the bedrooms, cleared up the kitchen, hunted high and low. Eventually we decided that Rupert must have thought it was a sock and taken it away.  It still seemed odd though. Usually you find the socks quite quickly and,  as far as we are aware, no sock has completely vanished. It was very clear that my hand was missing its pressure glove.  It's been for and a bit swollen since the glove vanished.  I decided that I was going to have to buy another one when I see the therapist on Thursday. Today I found it. It was sitting tucked just under Farley, who is much the same colour as the glove. The glove had been in plain sight all along but had been effectively invisible.  My hand is very pleased to have it back!

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