Northcote, January 2025

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Austin, Kaori and Tatsuki arrived from Japan on Friday afternoon.

Lindsey and Ian came back from Townsville on Saturday

So did Emily.  She diverted down to Mount Martha to pick up Stella and Tony.

We were all in place for a nice, leisurely start to Christmas Day.  We had a small mountain of food waiting for us, and an enormous lake of alcohol, soft drinks and adult soft drinks (Japan does a mighty fine line in non alcoholic cocktails and other drinks for adults who choose not to take alcohol.  Austin had brought some with him).

We had a leisurely exchange of presents.

We made a leisurely breakfast.

Some of us went to church.  Some of us made a start on food preparation for the evening. Some of us were pottering about, playing with our presents, enjoying the morning.

Then the septic tank at the south end of the house decided to block.  This took out one of the three toilets, one of the three bathrooms - and the only kitchen :-S

Ian spent a large proportion of Christmas morning into the early afternoon sorting that out.  We could manages without the toilet and bathroom if we really had to, but we couldn't manage well without the kitchen!! Imagine trying to wash the dishes caused by 25 people for dinner in Lindsey and Ian's bathroom sink!!!!

In the meantime, some of us put up the tent

Some of us prepared food

And we set the table

Jim peeled a mountain of potatoes. Stella podded a mountain of peas.  We topped and tailed green beans.  We sorted out asparagus.  We had coleslaw and salad.  And Ian managed to get the septic tank sorted out before the evening guests arrived.  He also had time to barbecue the turkey, roast the pork belly and to prepare the delicious seafood that was awaiting our attention.

It was a great evening.  Much delicious food.  Much merriment.  But no photos.  Too busy eating and making merry!!

A Christmas Elf

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