Sunday, November 15, 2015

Blackhawk Helicopter Ride

The weekend that Kelly and Karissa were visiting, the base was holding an exercise called NEO. It is an exercise to practice evacuating in case of an emergency. Its scary to think that something like that could happen, but it was good to practice.  In there ever was an emergency, Greg would have to stay here while the kids and I left, so I was the one who had to go through the exercise.  

Part of the exercise was taking part in helicopter rides over Seoul. Only kids ages 7 and older were allowed to participate, so it was just Deagan and I that got to go.  I was nervous to do it, but how often do you get to fly in a Blackhawk helicopter?! It was fun to do with Deagan, and I think he had a great time.  A little girl got motion sick while we were in the air, so I was more than ready to be back on the ground towards the end of the flight. (Which only ended up being around 25 minutes.) I am grateful for the opportunity we had to do this!

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