Showing posts with label 18 on 18 of 18. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 18 on 18 of 18. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2018

16 Pictures for June 18, 2018 (or thereabouts)

We have been doing this monthly picture tradition for almost 8 years!  Some traditions stay and some go, but when I took a family poll last month the vote was to continue sharing a picture each month.  

"Traditions, traditions, without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as  . . . as . . . as a fiddler on the roof."

Calvin:  Last week I went with Ray, Levin, and Atlas to Alaska on the annual Follett Family
salmon fishing trip.  It was beautiful and we had a great time.

Calvin:  I didn't even have to repack my suitcase from the Alaska trip.
I just loaded the pickup and went to girls' camp for the week.

Jane:  It's like feeding a calf when you feed Inman a bottle.

Ray:  Follett Family salmon fishing trip in Alaska.

Cali and Inman:  While Ray, Levin, Atlas, and my dad were in
Alaska salmon fishing, Inman and I went on walks with Grandma.

Levin:  On the Follett Family fishing trip in Alaska. 
We went to see a glacier on Uncle Mark's airboat.

Atlas:  On a 5 mile wide and 25 mile long glacier in Alaska.

Ty: I taught the girls how to leg wrestle tonight.

Michelle: Super flattering picture of me leg wrestling Afton.

Afton: My mom says Eliza and I can’t get things off the shelf in the closet.
Challenge accepted

Eliza: Just finding Waldo.

Kathryn:  I loved bearing testimony during Family Night.
In fact, I did it three times.

Calvin: I get really excited watching the Roomba.

Joe and Zeph:  Playing War and watching the World Cup.

Zeph, Winnie, and Ezra:  Making family night treats. 

Zeph, Ande, Winnie, and Ezra playing at the beach.
(Not taken on the 18th...but it proves I exist.)

Friday, May 18, 2018

Pictures for the 18th of May, 2018

This month we didn't get these pictures all taken on the 18th, they were scattered throughout the month, but they did happen and they are memories I'm glad we could preserve. 

Ty and Michelle's Family

Ty:  Simulator training.

Michelle: I have survived another day!

Afton: Sometimes a girl just needs some space to call her own.

Eliza: I love playing with Calvin. This is one of the rare moments when
it’s possible for his face to be cut out of the frame because I’m not right in it.

Kathryn: I spend a lot of my time here lately.
I stayed dry last night and all day for the first time today!

Ty: Playing with Calvin. “Dance Calvin! Dance dance dance, wait...
No... You’re not going to be a dancer. Umm... Punch! Punch punch punch!”

Ray and Cali's Family


Cali with mom and our friend Yoko.

Levin:  Climbing trees using rock climbing gear.

Atlas and his sling-shot.

Inman helping to put together lawn furniture.

Abe and Grace's Family

Touring a civil war battle field with Grandpa
Grace, Hazel, Grandpa, Henry, Abe

Joe and Ande's Family

Ande:  Fixing the dryer.  Only two screws left over.

Zeph and Ezra sharing a carrot.

Winnie and Ezra helping make pizza for dinner. 
Can you feel Ande's stress rising?

Ezra, Zeph, and Winnie

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Pictures for the 18 of April, 2018

This month found much of our family in Columbus, Mississippi visiting Ty and Michelle.  All of the men (except Joe, who couldn't make it) went to see Ty fly his last flight and see the airshow at the Air Force base.

Ty and Michelle's Family

Ty: I had a great weekend with the Payne men, minus Joe who was greatly missed.
 I had my fini flight in the T-6, took Dad and Ray in the simulator, enjoyed the air show,
and we all went flying. I had a great time with these wonderful men.

Michelle: Ty presented each of us girls with some flowers and a necklace.
 This is the awkward moment when we weren't sure if we were
supposed to kiss or not.

Afton: When Dad landed from his fini flight in the T-6,
I got to spray him down with water!

Eliza: Dad gave me some flowers and a necklace at his fini flight.
I love him!

Kathryn: I loved having Grandpa Calvin and Uncle Ray over for four days.
It meant there were two more people I could boss around.

Calvin: This is how I enjoyed the air show.

Joe and Ande's Family

Joe and Winnie
I love that where we live allows Joe to work from home some days
and be such an active role in the kids' lives.

Ezra and Zeph at a school fund-raiser.


Ray and Cali's Family

Ray:  In Columbus Mississippi with Ty.

Ray, Atlas, and Inman playing follow the leader.

Atlas and Inman

Inman dominates Tia, the vacuum robot

Calvin and Jane's Family

Calvin:  Enjoying being with the Payne men and flying with Ty

Jane:  Tis the season for rhubarb pie