Saturday, August 28, 2010


At the end of our driveway we have two flower planters on either side of the driveway, every Spring we plant flowers for the Summer growing season and faithfully water and weed. This year because of the medical issues happening at our house keeping these planters maintained has been an added chore that has been a bit neglected. Just look at the strange happening in these planters ;>)!! I honestly planted the two planters with Impatients (the planters are shaded) one planter has the before mentioned Impatients and the other planter has Marigolds now how "strange" is this? This oddity has served as a good landmark for visitors coming to see hubby, I just mention "we are the only house on our road with driveway planters with the strange flower growth"! Visitors arrive and laugh with us at the flower planters!

If you have a minute and want to see a cute update check this out, it will let you know what our Mickey has been up to...busy girl that she is!!

Hubby report ~~ He is continuing with PT 3 days a week, and family doctor visits 2 days a week for follow-up testing (he needs blood work because of the 3 units of blood received during surgery and they also are monitoring his BP)...he is good about going but not very patient about needing to have all of these trips and being the patient ☺. He is NOT allowed to drive yet, and it will be at least another two weeks before he returns to the "Ortho Doc" (as he calls him), to be checked again and to discuss the problems with the knees (we know they will need attention soon)!!

Thank you for your continued prayers, they are working ~~ GOD IS GOOD!!


Mrs. Goodneedle said...

That's strange all right, I suppose some marigold seeds were "dropped off"... surprise! They look great, by the way; healthy and vibrant! The prayers for your husband (and you!) continue.

Laurie said...

That's too funny! Seeds obviously blew in there and just decided to grow! Gotta love mother nature! Prayers continue for you and Len!

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I love the flowers! Our Father certainly has a sense of humor.

You and Len are still on my prayer list.