Sunday, December 13, 2009

needing to remember...

I am caught up in the rush, and the whining that goes with these last couple of weeks before Christmas! For my reminder I have put the clipart at the beginning of this posting! I will forget and 'yes' I will whine...but it is important to remember "Jesus is the Reason for the Season"!

I share a thought with each of you! Christmas is not about presents and being stressed, or as a very wise "youngest" grandson told me a few years ago "Christmas is not about a tree"...bless you Cameron, remembering your statement has pulled me back into reality many times when I feel the stress level creeping up on me!

Wishing for each of you a week of accomplishments without stress!


marina said...

You are so right, we do often forget what Christmas is all about!

Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I'm with Cameron! Hope you get through your job list with no stress, friend. Have a most Merry Christmas!