Saturday, November 28, 2009

sharing our day...

This year "our day" (Thanksgiving Day) was very different, God has provided so well for us, but still changes do happen!

(four teens at our table this year)

(the turkey ready for the carving)

(our college boy during the concert)

(our college boy following the concert, percussion is so much work ☺)

(this is what our college grad is doing now)

(here he is, and excited about it)

It seems so strange to have our family scattered, but we are so very proud of each of them! The concert for the college boy was last weekend, so the concert pictures are added so that I can share what he is up to this year. Dan is home for Thanksgiving, but joined the dinner group in time for the fun with the other teens. Joe was not in the area because he is proudly working with Habitat for Humanity in a different area miles away, he is saving his flight home for Christmas.

Scattered in the physical sense, but *our* family will always be in the thoughts and prayers of each other *everyday*, not just on the holidays! I am very proud of each of them, and I pray that they know of my pride and love!

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