I am going, and I cannot wait.
I cannot wait to hang out with my girlfriend and fellow blogger
Michelle at Adventures of Supermom.
I cannot wait to meet the women whose blogs I read.
I cannot wait to learn how to make my Blog better.
I mean I just love it when I go somewhere and I am talking to a complete stranger and they say "Needalattemom"? I know your blog.
That is just so cool!
I do have a variety of things that I talk about on this blog, mainly family. I try not to get too private but sometimes ya just cannot help it.
These are my boys...cute huh? I think I will keep them.
My daughter. She is a full blown teenager.
This is my wonderful, patient, incredibly supportive husband and myself.
I am a photographer, so your gonna get pictures.
Lots of pictures.
I also redo furniture and haunt the Goodwill.
Heard a rumour that there will be some thrifting going on.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE finding a good deal.
I am kind of an Annie Sloan Chalk Paint (TM) addict. Is there a 12 step program for this?
I weave.
Right now my loom and I are having a showdown.
Looking forward to an awesome weekend!
Cannot wait!