Showing posts with label Dalai Lama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dalai Lama. Show all posts

Saturday, 15 March 2014

'Nomads Moving North, tracking footprints through The Land of Snows'....

Here's another new Trip-Hop track I've just finished. This time with a slightly orchestral feel, incorporating a string quartet and an oboe. At least I think it's an oboe, it could be a saxophone? I don't know, whatever.... It's in tribute to the ancient nomadic people's and the wandering yogis of the beautiful but troubled 'Land of Snows', Tibet. 

Inspired, in part, by the documentary, 'Yogis of Tibet'. Anyways, as the Dalai Lama says....

Namaste, namaste, 
Hot-cross buns and a cup'a tae. 

Peace out....
Mark :)

Sunday, 30 June 2013

In search of 'The Cat In The Hat'....

So I took a trip to the local library the other day to borrow my favourite 'Cat in the Hat' book, which I've read like a billion times! But when I got there the lady said someone else had borrowed it the other week and not returned it yet!! How inconsiderate.... 

So at a loss as to what to do I begrudgingly left the safe and comforting confines of the children's section and ventured into the rest of the library and the scary world of Literature!!! Surprisingly I found a few books that looked interesting, with cool pictures and stories, so I borrowed them ones instead. They've turned out to be a bit more complicated than I thought they would, but I'd still highly recommend them, if for nothing else at least the cool pictures and stuff....  

This one's about Yoga.....

B.K.S. Iyengar
B.K.S. Iyengar

This books called a 'Thesis' and was written by a Nerd who says Baby Jesus never existed.....


And this one's my favourite. I think it's written buy a guy who run's and airline just like 'Aer Lingus'..... I'm not really sure, either way it's got the best pictures..... 

Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama

Anyways, none of these books are as good as 'The Cat in the Hat', but their still pretty good! I'd recommend you check them out the next time your at your local library.....

Talk to yea, 