Friday, July 31, 2009

New Look

I've decided to give my page a new look. In with the new out with the old. Like a breath of fresh air. Anywho...I'm just about finished with my associates degree.......FINALLY!! I have not had a life the past 6 months and I'm tired. My brain is fried and it's time to party.

So, we had this freakish hail storm the other day and my little car was carefully tucked in under my covered parking space and I thought, "shew, it's safe". WRONG! Of course not, I can't get off that easy. For some strange reason Colorado hates my car. I have dumped about $2000 into my car since moving here the end of January. I'm not sure if I have angered the God's or if it's time to start thinking of getting a new car. But, boy the thought of having a car payment again is not a welcomed thought. Ugh, I digress. Ok, so I go out after the ping-pong-sized-meteors stopped pummelling my car to assess the damage and it's dark so everything looks hunky-dory. I breath my sigh of relief and go back to bed. Morning comes, I drive to work and still don't see anything. I'm thinking could I really have gotten off that easy? Nope, no way, not a chance. When I come out that afternoon, what do my wondering eyes see??? Why it's a zillion dents in the trunk of my car. Whoohoo I'm elated! I get to drop yet another large sum of money on my car to get this fixed. Yay!!! It could have been worse. Most cars have been totaled by the storm damage, so I GUESS I'm lucky.
Moving on....I'm going to the Rocky Mountain Gator Club picnic tomorrow, so I'm super excited to actually get out and be amongst the living for a couple of hours. I so need to start meeting people and get on with living instead of being my normal hermit self cooped up just doing homework.

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