Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Life is finally resembling something of a more normal pattern. Work, eat, sleep, school, repeat. I like this routine. Routine is good, it's what keeps me sane. I love driving to work and passing the trees and the green grass with the dew glistening off the blades. I like looking at the mountains in the distance as the clouds roll gently down their slopes. I like my life again. I no longer feel that nagging anxiety at what may come next. I don't know and that's ok. Life is an adventure and I'm just along for the ride. I like riding the light rail and passing the abandoned buildings and wondering what great things used to be made in there. I like sitting quietly and enjoying the silence. I don't jump at loud noises anymore or think every thud is a mortar. Life is good.


whiskey_kitten said...

Thank you for serving - I'm sure you have your own reasons for doing it.
Whatever they are, thank you just the same!

I'm glad you made it home safely.
I wish you all the best for your life ahead.
A bright future.

newageretro said...

Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Its fantastic to know that your doing better.

The Mrs. said...

Glad to hear that life is good. : ) You deserve it.

And if your life ever gets too quiet, I have to little noise makes over here you could borrow!

Anonymous said...

Hey there navy chick. Havent sent you a comment in a while....sorry. I have been back from the box since february and I am just now coming to terms with the effects it had on me. I too am on meds because sleeping was impossible and as far as those noises go, they suck. I hate feeling like that. Im glad things are getting better for you. Unlike you, I cant wait to leave colorado. I miss the east coast. If you ever need to talk to someone that isnt a doctor but knows what you went through, send me an email.