Showing posts with label wildlife in watercolor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildlife in watercolor. Show all posts

Monday, October 9, 2023

Amazing Elephants - Vickie Henderson

I have recently had the pleasure of visiting Kruger National Park in South Africa, an emersion in everything wildlife.  In particular, I enjoyed so many elephant experiences.  Wonderful elephant sightings from very young nursing babies to old bulls with amazing long tusks.  

Below you see one of my sketches of a young elephant probably around three years of age.  He surprised me with his boldness and came charging into the watering area scattering a herd of cape buffalo.  It seemed impossible that one so small could have that kind of power!  

I created a blog post on my website, Vickie Henderson Art, sharing more of this story.  Please join me in this fun experience at The Magic of Africa!
