Showing posts with label The Lovrenc lakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Lovrenc lakes. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Lake Eyre of Australia

Australia Post has issued the stamp series feature Lake Eyre, the unique landscape of  great salt lake of tectonic origin,and its vast and changing environment has been beautifully captured in these stamp designs. The stamps issued in four nominal value on April 4th, 2011.The four stamps in the issue include one domestic rate stamp - The dry (60c) and three international rate stamps - New growth ($1.55), Bird life ($2.25) and In flood ($3.10). 
Lake Eyre lies asymmetrically in the south-western corner of the closed inland drainage basin in the heart of the Australian continent. Lake Eyre is the centre of the vast Lake Eyre Basin located 700km north of Adelaide in the deserts of central Australia. With an area of 1,140,000 square kilometres Lake Eyre Basin is one of the largest areas of internal drainage in the world. Some parts of Lake Eyre are 15.2 metres below sea level making it the lowest point in Australia

During the dry season there is usually some water, however Lake Eyre is primarily characterised by great salt pans. On the rare occasions that it fills to capacity, Lake Eyre becomes the largest salt lake in Australia. Water covers the lake on average about once every eight years and has filled to capacity only three times in the last 150 years.
The Dry:
Lake Eyre is located in the central Australian desert and is characterised by great salt pans. 

New growth:
Desert areas previously ravaged by dust storms are now lush and green. 


Bird Life:
The higher rainfall has prompted a variety of birds to migrate back to the area. 


In Flood:
In strong La Niña years the lake can fill. The rainfall of 2010 sent flood waters into the catchment basin.

The recent high rainfall has filled the vast floodplains around Lake Eyre creating wetlands brimming with life. In drought there is usually no sign of bird life and their return remains a mystery for scientists. Pelicans have returned to rivers and waterholes all around Lake Eyre to breed. (Resources: Australia Post News)

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Monday, 21 February 2011

The Lovrenc lakes on Pohorje

Slovenia Post issued the stamp featured The Lovrenc lakes on March 27, 2009.

The Lovrenc lakes, the largest high swampland in Slovenia and one of the most important in Southern Europe, are a specially protected part of the largest Slovenian Forest Reserve Ribnica-Lovrenc lakes. The tiny lakes are situated on the ridge in water sources of Radolnja, Mislinja and Velka and present a natural and tourist site of special interest on Pohorje.

The swampland was formed as a mineral swamp on a corrugated impermeable surface. With the accumulation of peat, the marshes turned into a high swampland, which developed 8000 years ago. The lakes are true bogs, which were formed as erosion surfaces, since the ground of all lakes is progressing to peat. The swampland has no surface inflow. It is fed exclusively by surface water; therefore, the number of lakes is variable (11 to 22), depending on the volume and durability of standing water.

The vegetation of high swamplands is rare and specific. One of the the typical plants of the high swampland is the rotund-leaf-form sundew (Drosera Rotundifolia), a vulnerable species, which is indicated on the stamp of the first day. It is a plant with small, white blossoms on approximately 10 cm-long stems; it has superiorly adapted to the life in peat swampland ground. It is a carnivorous plant and gains organic substances from bodies of smaller insects, which are being caught by sticky hair on its leaves.
Source of the topographic map, which is indicated on the stamp: Public Information Slovenia, © Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, National Topographic Map.
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