This is plausible for a couple of reasons I can think of, maybe more.
Often in mainstream psychiatry anti seizure medications are used to "treat" the DSM category. One long term effect of seizure medication can be "seizures". Others can be associated with fluoride and aspartame sometimes used as ingredients in these products.
Newer SSRI and SNRI drugs have many deleterious side effects that impact brain function.
Brain allergy is oft overlooked as a causative factor but this is linked back to the beginnings of orthomolecular medicine in over 60 years ago.
I mentioned recently about my own exposure to cigarette smoke that is now recognized as a risk in mental health, just as is exposure to chemical smoke, wood smoke and forest fires.
Brain allergy can often cause seizures.
Dr Hoffer relied on Vitamin C and Vitamin B3 (niacin) to help people recover from "schizophrenia".
Perhaps today a broader perspective should be taken my mainstream shrinks.
Schizophrenia and epilepsy have 'strong link'
People with schizophrenia are six
times more likely to develop epilepsy, says a study which finds a strong
relationship between the two diseases.
Writing in Epilepsia, researchers in Taiwan say this could be due to genetic,
neurobiological or environmental factors.The study followed around 16,000 patients with epilepsy and schizophrenia between 1999 and 2008.
Selections from Natural Health News
Apr 29, 2010
BACKGROUND: The introduction of second-generation
antipsychotic drugs during the 1990s is widely believed to have adversely
affected mortality of patients with schizophrenia. Our aim was to establish the
long-term ...
Jan 16, 2011
The researchers suggest low omega-3 may be linked to the
information-processing problems found in people with afflictions of the nervous
system including schizophrenia and bipolar, obsessive-compulsive,
attention-deficit ...
Jun 12, 2009
ScienceDaily (2009-06-11) -- When mothers become infected
with influenza during their pregnancy, it may increase the risk for
schizophrenia in their offspring. Influenza is a very common virus and so there
has been ...
Oct 06, 2009
Not far from Chicago is an excellent researcher who heads
an organization that over the years has helped many children, adults and
families with many forms of mental illness, including schizophrenia. ...