More surprising research suggests that Natto may be helpful at halting other developments as well—this time, offering protection for your aging brain.
New research shows that Natto enzyme also has the ability to cleave and degrade the amyloid protein deposits that characterize Alzheimer’s disease. That makes Natto one of the only known compounds with this crucial ability —reinforcing its role as a powerful natural substance that can play an important role in a number of factors involved in your longevity and lasting health.
Minerals for Health and Reducing Risk of ALZ
Medicine uses pharmacy to treat symptoms and numb pain with drugs yet little attention is paid to the disease and what causes it. This concept was very clear during the most recent episode of the ALZ special.
I guess I wonder why we aren't more creative when the following information is clearly known.
Aluminum is replete in processed food, food coloring (Lake), some medicine like coated aspirin (46.5 mg) and vaccines (Al as a preservative increases ALZ risk by 10%). Dialysis Dementia was caused by fluorine (effects thyroid function) and aluminum in water before treated/distilled water began to be used. Aluminum is used to clear turbidity in water and it is found in other environmental factors.
Aspartame and Aluminum (sort of) have a love affair.
It seems as if there is a campaign to scare all the Baby Boomers into thinking they will succumb to this frightening disease, and they might. But they also can prevent it, so where is the prevention model?
In India where fluoride effects health at high levels, dementia is almost missing. Is the reason the high use of turmeric instead of salt & pepper?
Turmeric contains Boron which reverses dementia. Three parts of Boron are lost for each part of absorbed Aluminum.
Yttrium and Boron both act to promote the absorption of selenium (selenium helps iodine work to feed the thyroid).
Silicon helps hold the brain together, and it is lost trying to reduce levels of Aluminum. The amino acid Proline enhances Silicon. As we age we have less amino acids to help in these biochemical reactions that promote health.
Silicon along with Magnesium and Calcium help bind Aluminum.
Horsetail tea is a good source of usable silicon.
To me this seems a more plausible approach with inexpensive and readily available nutrients, rather than a vaccines that just didn't quite work or some other questionable pharmaceutical cocktail.
It is highly unlikely you will hear or read any of this in mainstream media.
This week we have the spotlight on Maria Shriver because her father has Alzheimer's dis-ease. HBO is running a series on this health issue and it is suggested that since so many baby boomers are projected to get it, the medical system will fail.
Again, I'm using the term "medical system" because it has nothing to do with health.
And I'm also suggesting that there is a lot of very helpful information about and around that has to do with your health if you should have a dementia or Alzheimer's diagnosis. Because this information isn't "medical" you probably won't come across it in mainstream outlets.
Some of this information is already in posts here at Natural Health News, and I'll try to list some at the end of this post.
Some other tips you might find helpful -
Several studies established that at least 67% of people living in the new care industry homes for Alzheimer's have thyroid dysfunction. Fluoride is a known thyroid disruptor, and it is found in may drugs as well as water and foods, dental products and related to environmental exposure.
Vitamins E, C and B12 help reduce problems of dementia -
Thyroid and B12 supplementation were standard weapons for aging in medical care decades ago.
Vitamin B3
B3 + Flaraxin
Flu shots and Alzheimer's - Rate 10 times higher after shots.
Avoid aspartame and sucralose.
Club Moss has been used for many years as an effective diuretic that eases many conditions associated with suppressed urine, including the flushing of stones and gravel from the kidneys and gallbladder, accumulation of fluids in the tissues that produce swelling (edema), bladder irritation, cystitis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis. It is used in certain cases for Alzheimer's.
There are big differences in the way children & adults process medical drugs. Researchers at Medical College of Wisconsin say the difference is so large that drug companies should consider the safety consequences. Over 12 enzymes in organs & tissues play key roles in enabling drugs to work or breaking them down into safe by-products. This varied wildly & children are especially likely to suffer bad reactions to medical drugs tested on adults.
Folic Acid Protects The Brain
A certain amount of mental decline is considered a normal component of aging; however, severe cognitive dysfunction related to aging is regarded as pathologic. Many researchers are studying methods to improve memory and other cognitive functions as we age. In a study of healthy people, ages 50-75, folic acid supplementation (800 micrograms daily for three years) resulted in better memory and cognitive speed scores compared to those who took a placebo. Individuals taking folic acid had memory scores comparable to people 5.5 years younger, and cognitive speed scores of people 1.9 years younger. The as-yet unpublished study, presented in June at the Alzheimer’s Association meeting, did not look at possible prevention of Alzheimer’s disease with folate, but did show that moderate folic acid supplement can slow age-related cognitive decline.
Miller AL. The methionine-homocysteine cycle and its effects on cognitive function. Altern Med Rev 2003;8(1):7-19.
Three studies show dietary supplements improve health of seniors - Three recent clinical studies showed that dietary supplements can treat nutritional deficiencies in the elderly, boost their immune systems, combat short-term memory loss, reduce risks of Alzheimer's, and improve seniors' overall health. The first, conducted at Memorial University of Newfoundland, concluded that supplementation with moderate amounts of 18 vitamins, minerals, and trace elements improved short-term memory and overall cognitive abilities and strengthened immune system function in 86 elderly people treated over the course of one year. A separate study published in the May 2001 issue of Neurology found that seniors with low levels of folate and vitamin B12 have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. A third study, published in the August 2001 issue of Nutrition, showed that nutritional deficiencies greatly increase with age, and that supplement use helps eliminate these deficiencies in the elderly. However, a recent survey conducted by Harris Interactive found that the age group over 65 is least likely to discuss dietary supplements with doctors. PRNewswire, September 10, 2001
An apple (or two) a day can keep your memory from fraying...Apples and apple juice boosts the memory boosting brain chemical acetylcholine.
Taking Care of Your Brain is Possible