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Showing posts with label Anthony Fauci. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anthony Fauci. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Scientists Clueless About Vaccination Side Effects

Not only are scientists cluless about vaccine side effects, they seem just as clueless about side effects and risks of pharmaceuticals.

This is something I hear daily from people who contact my health advocacy service looking for help. As a former provider in mainstream medicine I shudder with each new and ghastly report.

As far as the new genetically engineered "swine flu" vaccine, I suggest it is well worth your time to read the following from Dr. Len Horowitz, the dentist and public health expert who first exposed Ebola and AIDS on the vaccines -

America's leading promoter of getting vaccinated for the H1N1 flu, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has admitted knowing nil about how human immunity responds to vaccinations, according an interview published by Bloomberg.

I'll be posting another article today related to this concern.

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