Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lurk out loud 4.0

Last year I promised a picture of my beaten ass had the number of lurkers commenting reached a certain number (which sadly, it did not). However this year I decided to go ahead and just post the picture first. So here is my freshly spanked bottom (a mere 30 minutes ago) along with the implements A. used.

If you look closely, you will notice that the wooden spoon is broken. I believe that is the forth wooden spoon A. has broken on my backside (and I really liked cooking with that one!). You will also note the lack of welts from the cane. Since I'm on Coumadin, A. uses the cane with light but rapid fire strokes that accumulate pain quickly (sheer agony, I tell ya!) but don't leave the deep bruises for which canes are notorious. Similar to the way Nurse Bea uses a nursery willow switch in this story that my dear friend Casey wrote just for Natty.

So dear friend, thank you for reading. Whether you leave a comment (good or bad) for this feedback whore or just lurk, I always appreciate your time and interest.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Too much wood

"Oh you stupid cow," A. cried out from behind his laptop the other day.

A few weeks back, he had sent an email to a publisher along with a synopsis of the book he had just finished as well as the book itself. Two weeks later the publisher's contact replied asking if his book was similar to a couple of other books coming out on the same topic. A. responded that no, his book dealt with different material (something she would have known had she merely bothered to read his original email). After another two weeks, she replied again and asked if he could send her a synopsis.

"Her name is Michelle, so maybe I ought to spank you for her inability to read her email," A. said as he sat down on the bed next to me. "It would make me feel better."

"Don't you have enough reasons to spank me?" I asked.

There are plenty of spankings on the agenda now that he's here. There's the small matter of my past schedules that have yet to be addressed. I was also seven minutes late for my school day the other day before canceling it because I was too worn out from cramming for the test I was suppose to take (I forgot how good at procrastinating I am) -- not to mention spanking would be part of the school game anyway. I believe there is another spanking planned, but I can't think of it at the moment.

"Yes but it's a bit like firewood, isn't it?" he quipped. "You may be all sorted for the winter with a stack of wood in the garage (pronounced "GAIR-idge"), but you're always on the lookout for that next felled tree."

Yep. A girl can never get too much wood.