Monday, December 21, 2009

Take Two (Hundred)

I FINALLY found matching pj's for the boys that I liked AND the store had both of their sizes. I thought these were Christmas-y enough, but also not so Christmas-y that I couldn't put them in them for as long as cold weather requires. Adorable. So. Today I set out to get some pictures of them.... Quite the adventure in and of itself! Dang, they're cute boys though. I did manage to get a couple that will satisfy a last-minute card, but as usual, the outtakes are almost more worth seeing.

For your viewing pleasure:

'Mom, what the HECK are you trying to do to us?'
William was actually less cooperative than Cameron was! I finally resorted to tickling his tummy with my FOOT so that I'd be able to get a picture of him smiling.

Our dear little Cameron is often found like this: Tongue out of mouth and smiling (and destroying the house... but that's a bit less cute).
Cameron with one of the most coveted toys in the house: Mom or Dad's toothbrush (the other is the handle to my venus razor). Say "eew, germs!"... but ya know, with little ones, they're shared one way or another anyway.

To keep the boys in one place I scattered some Reese's Pieces on the papasan. Here they are scavenging after a fresh batch was dropped.

William was especially loving to Cameron today. First he (almost force-) fed Cameron treats ("here Cannon!") and later after Cameron's nap, he said: "OH! Cannon! I missed YOU!". Warms a mother's heart.


Mandy said...

ok so those PJs are adorable!! Where did you end up getting them? I looked for the same type thing--the OCD part of me hates to put kids in Christmas PJs in March. Loved the pics--I know how hard it is to get them to BOTH look at the camera at the same time. LOL about the reeses...the things we do for the sake of the camera! Merry Christmas to the Hancocks!

Julia said...

They are definitely cute. Can't wait until Cameron begins coming to Nursery too!

Amber said...

That was so sweet of William. I love the pj's what cute boys you have.

Cami said...

ADORABLE! Perfect.