Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day

We enjoyed a very relaxing Christmas day! It was different/sad to not have any family around us for the first time ever (for me anyway), but it was so nice to just be home and take it easy. The boys unfortunately both woke up with colds, but they were both pretty enthusiastic when they saw their spoils under the tree. Cameron was a sweetie and always just happy to play with whatever toy William shoved in his hand with a "here, you play with dat Cannon." William was in heaven for a full 4-5 hours. New trains, trucks, airplanes and a scooter...! The kid hardly knew what to do with himself. He also adored playing some ping pong with Daddy on Nathaniel's brand new Christmas table. I'm not sure who loves the table more, Nathaniel or William (though W's version of 'playing' is usually just switching sides, paddles and throwing the balls around)!
Merry Christmas to all of our dear friends and family. We love you so much!

Santa's handy work.

Checking out some fun new movies!

Daddy's new football from the boys. Can you tell William helped me wrap and write on it?
William was so excited about the new trucks he wouldn't even take his hand off it to open a new present!

It's getting harder and harder to get a picture of our little monkey, Cameron. He's ALWAYS on the move.

William on his new scooter/skateboard. He calls it both.

Poppy and Grammy spoiled the boys with a roller coaster! They've played pretty nicely on it taking turns though we have already had two collisions with William riding on the coaster and Cameron on the track.....

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Carol

In early December I was delighted to find A Muppet Christmas Carol at Costco! It became my goal to make sure that my kids love the movie as much as I do.

Mission accomplished.

As soon as I turn it on, BOTH of them are tuned out to the world for as many as 15 minutes. Today, even Curious George couldn't pull my William away. I LOVE how he knows the end word to each line of the opening song. The lighting is terrible (this was probably around 630 am), but I was trying to be as discreet as possible while filming so as to not distract my little performer. It's long (had to film the whole thing for his future amusement). Just turn up the volume and enjoy his silly scroogy singing voice for a little bit. :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Take Two (Hundred)

I FINALLY found matching pj's for the boys that I liked AND the store had both of their sizes. I thought these were Christmas-y enough, but also not so Christmas-y that I couldn't put them in them for as long as cold weather requires. Adorable. So. Today I set out to get some pictures of them.... Quite the adventure in and of itself! Dang, they're cute boys though. I did manage to get a couple that will satisfy a last-minute card, but as usual, the outtakes are almost more worth seeing.

For your viewing pleasure:

'Mom, what the HECK are you trying to do to us?'
William was actually less cooperative than Cameron was! I finally resorted to tickling his tummy with my FOOT so that I'd be able to get a picture of him smiling.

Our dear little Cameron is often found like this: Tongue out of mouth and smiling (and destroying the house... but that's a bit less cute).
Cameron with one of the most coveted toys in the house: Mom or Dad's toothbrush (the other is the handle to my venus razor). Say "eew, germs!"... but ya know, with little ones, they're shared one way or another anyway.

To keep the boys in one place I scattered some Reese's Pieces on the papasan. Here they are scavenging after a fresh batch was dropped.

William was especially loving to Cameron today. First he (almost force-) fed Cameron treats ("here Cannon!") and later after Cameron's nap, he said: "OH! Cannon! I missed YOU!". Warms a mother's heart.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Well.... I wouldn't exactly say I love NYC, but driving aside, it's a fun place to visit! Especially with pro tour guide Charity. Nathaniel took this week off work to enjoy time with the family, avoid the week-of-Christmas masses, and to celebrate our FIVE-year anniversary! Charity had yesterday off work, so we braved a trip up to visit her with the boys. It ended up being a great day!

Nathaniel is so cute. He kept singing Serendipity songs while we were checking out the Rockefeller tree and skating rink.
Cameron was styling riding ALL over NYC on Daddy's back.

William had one of the best days of his life. He got to ride a "train" (aka metro) AND a BOAT. He was beside himself with glee. It was so funny, on the metro he kept saying "alll aboarrrd!"

"Freedom isn't free"- Nathaniel

Can't even tell you how cold it was. Charity was trying to get Cameron to smile for a picture.
Aunty Cher is always so much fun! When we got in the car to go home William kept asking "Where aunt chur-dy, Mom?" I'm so happy that my boys have been able to get to know her. Hopefully she'll stay East (but not in NYC) when she's done w/residency.

William took napped for over 2 hours! Made for an easy lunch at a Joe's Shanghai where Cameron enchanted all of the waiters.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Oh man. I love the snow. Love watching it maybe more than playing in it these days, but still. William was very excited and anxious to go play. I bundled up the boys in what little snow clothes we have (poor Cameron was really poorly outfitted) and we headed out..... and lasted maybe 10 minutes. Cameron lasted only 5. First destination for him out the door was a big slush puddle that immediately soaked his shoes, socks and pants. Then he tripped IN the puddle and got his mittens and forehead/hat wet. Impressive. I like to think that it was still worth it. William lasted until his hands got too cold. Time to invest in better snow clothes for the kids maybe. ;)

Neither of the kids would look at me for a single shot. As usual, this is the best picture of the both of them: neither looking at me and one running away.

Getting ready for the snow. In Germany I bought William some strumpfhosa (phonetically spelled. haha!).. basically warm tights for boys that they use instead of socks. Germans are pros at bundling up kids! I put the boys in them and they started dancing around. So Silly! I was asking William to show me his bum because there is the cutest lion on there!

William has become very concerned lately whenever Cameron cries in his crib and tells me to "go help cannon, momma!" If I'm not quick enough then William goes into Cameron's room, climbs into his crib and does his best to cheer him up. Ahh. That's love.... except for when he tries to bite him.