Dewey on divinity (I love this video).
[PostBlog: I had to change the link to this. It was ripped off YouTube.]
Kitty kitty is about ceiling cat watching you! That link's for you Jim (or should I say, Paris?").
Laugh Over Me is my experience as a LGBT person sitting through an Adam Sandler movie trailer.
Just Don't Touch Their Beer is about business guys and their right to drink.
Georgia Judge Halts Adoption and its update tell a scary story with a happy ending. It's about a little girl being removed and returned from a gay foster parent.
Chocolate Jesus Frosts Fundies is about an art display in NYC.
Monday Music is a post devoted to some good music (there are videos at the link).
A basketball team is beaten and called racial epithets by a crowd and then arrested by the NYPD.
Tasers - this year I was disgusted by tasers and the men who love to use them.
Coconut Crabs - Easily this site's most consistently viewed posts this year (here, here, and here).
That's as close to a year's round-up as I'll get. I'll end with one of my favorite Christmas songs. I first posted this video here: