
Sunday, January 17, 2016

More Friends and More Sledding

Last Saturday we had the privilege of attending the temple sealing of our good friends Heather and Royce to their adopted baby Otis. It was an amazing experience to be there! We also enjoyed going to Otis' baby blessing right after that sealing. Plus, just being able to see a number of other good friends who were also there for the occasion was wonderful.

As things turned out, we ended up going mattress sledding with everyone that afternoon. This was pretty momentous since we had never been before. I had heard many stories about previous such events though, so we were excited. It turned out to be a good deal of fun too!

We started with an old mattress that was found on KSL ads. Then we wrapped it completely in a tarp to reduce friction.

And then we took turns riding it down the hill!

And pulling it back up the hill for another run.

Nate tried to ride it while standing up once, but he was unable to stay upright for very long.

We had other sleds and tubes available to ride as well. After all, as big as the mattress was, we still couldn't all fit on it at once.


As Ryan went down the hill on a tube at one point, Nate stood right in his path and jumped over him. I wish we had gotten that on video.

We are so glad we were able to spend time with such a great group of friends!

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