Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sneak a peek poo 0006

Half done nails.
Simply wanted to play with all the blings that i have. :D

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sneak a peek poo coming up Friday~

Sorry guys, i have 2 deadlines to meet so i'm not able to upload any new design until Saturday.
But to not let you all waited so long, i will try to edit one of the photos for sneak a peek poo most probably on Friday night.
Stay toon~~~ hehehe..

Monday, October 25, 2010

classic nudy~

I'm not sure is this suppose to be in 'nude' color range, but it's the closest among my nail polishes. :p

Continue to try out the colors my friend gave me. ^^
I got inspired by Japanese nail magazine again, i kinda combine what i remember from the magazine with similar color, feel and concept, and come out with this. Again, it's a on-the-spot idea (if you're close to me you know what i mean :p), haha..

the 2 pretties~

i paint my index finger the more pinky one, just to try out the color. You can make all finger nails with the same polish.

Hmm~ Hot sun nice sun..
Thunder pass by our area few times the past few days, but none of them stay or bring along Rain to come play! ><>

Add a vertical line with shimmer, i'm using Majorlica Majorca's polish no.77.
You can change it to black as well.

Find a spot you prefer and add flakes or rhinestones or just simply dot it with polish, and you're done~ :)

Notice it's different design on my right hand?
It will be next on my blog~ :p

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Back to 'school'~

Well ya it's what i wore to uni on the 1st week, but mainly is cause i don't know what should i name it, haha...

My friend is kind enough to gift me these cute babies~

But to be honest, the one at the left is very the 'lip gloss' to me and it's too sweet to digest for me.. T.T sorry, cause it's pink.. hahahaha.....
My favourites are the second and fourth polish~

Will show you guys what design i came out with these polish in next post~:)

Talking about 'back to school', my uni open this week, and it's my final semester of my degree course, ooouuw, i'm so gonna miss my own room in my hostel.. :(

Wanted something nice and simple to archive, took the idea from Nail Up July copy.
It's original design was air brushed nails, but since i don't have to machine to do it, i use thin tip brush to draw out the flower..

It's like a serious summer season over here! It's was sooooooo hot that i have to shower 2-3 times a day! and my 5.5liter water bottle have to be refill almost everyday where i only need to do so once in 2days before that! ><
But there's 2 advantages of having huge sun on top of us,
-my clothes dries really quick!
-more time for photo taking since the sun is always there~

Ok, shall leave you guys here now..
Will upload more post if the internet connection is smooth tomorrow.
Night everyone~ and how can i forgot to wish good morning too~ haha..

Friday, October 22, 2010

Muddy rose~

Hey guys! I apologies for not updating for so long!><
Other than me having holiday on beginning of October, there was some internet connection interruption in my hostel when i came back for my new semester, and seems like it will take some time to solve it, the speed was deadly slow for the past week! i wonder how do i survive till now.. T.T
The line is smoother tonight compare to last week, so i quickly log in blogger to 'see' you all~

I didn't paint much design during my break, other than letting my nails to rest, i'm just too lazy to do painting, in stead i've been watching series and craving for food here and there, tehee..

Got this shimmer dark brown/bronze in Sasa, but i can't get any nice photo showing it's real color! sob sob.. it was so nice to look at it, it looks mystery to me too, haha..

Ok, i shall go prepare for another post now, my 'back to school' nails~ haha...
See you later~

Thursday, September 30, 2010

shimmer shimmer bling bling + some accessories haul~

Hi everyone! ^^/ Hope everything is fine and good there.. :)
Your eyes may be attracted to the nails below, but before that, just wanna show show my new toys i got recently too, hee...

Fact Of The Day:
Rachel is loving
vintage/ old style fashion / polka dots

Small purse/ sling bag in red with white polka dots (and with 'anna sui' cheat logo. XP)
some hair accessories also in polka dots and denim
a huge whistle accessories (and i DIY deco it with bling bling stones~^^)

Photos you can skip~~~~~ XP

But it's too cute and i MUST snap photos~! >v<

Oh, and nail polishes~!!! ^^

Sorry but the left bottle is too hard to show its color in photo. :(
it's dark brown with shimmer, but in fact it looks a bit purple in photo when i'm trying to snap.. ?.?

Ok, so here's the nails~~ ^^
using the shimmer shimmer polish i just got, hehe...
i chop off my nails real short during exams, but i think it's even cute with such 'color'..

3 coats of the polish
1 cute 3D bow
and your nails caught everyone's eye on the street! hahaha...

i bought the 3d bow in the mall, not self make this time, hehe..

And last but not least.
Another F.O.T.D.:
Rachel loves banana

Been craving for banana lately out of sudden, haha..
the sweetness and its natural aroma makes me feel happy^^
Bought banana everytime i go to fruit stall, and it'll be at my window side hanging till i finish it all.. XP

Ok, till then, bye guys~!
imma gonna have my banana again.. TvT

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rachel'graphy + my bare nails once more^^

Okay okay, no new nails at the moment as i'm letting them away to rest and breath freely as they are very thin and fragile due to my 'rudeness' treat to them when removing acrylic or gel or nail glue. :p (i often put much pressure trying to remove them when nail remover is not strong enough to take off in short time, i'm not patient when it comes to revoming, haha)

To fill up your time spent here, here's some of my artwork practicing my photography skills on free time, hope you like it.. :)

I love chocolate but i dont crave for it often unless you got dark chocolate~~!!! @v@
So when Ferrero Rondnoir dark chocolate is here in supermarket, i must try it! hehehe..
It's not bad though~

practicing using the lens flare...

And this was a Canon camera i snap when i'm at my friend's house..

the original..

after editing on contrast and others which i can't remember..

and shall we play with some effect... :)

You read my title about bare nails, and yes it's been long long time since i post my naked babies..

i have the habit to clean my dead skin on cuticle area whenever i saw them, i just have the craziness on clean and clear lines on cuticle lines, they make them look unreal and neat. hehe..

my left hand~

and right side...
The weather was nice so you couldn't see much of the 'wound' on my nails. The white part of my nails is normally kinda transparent since small, but after some layers are been teared off by yours truly, it's even transparent now.. :p

close up..
My left thumbnails broke a bit so i file it round to keep the length..

See what i mean by clean and clear cuticle lines? hehehe...

Enough for 'showing off' my poor babies, shall see you next with sneak a peek poo~ ^^