Monday, October 24, 2011

Uh-Oh roll down the window with polka!

I'm busy working on weekends! but i had fun and hope you guys too!^^
Got some new stuff such as this sweet OPI from beauty fair last week.
Less words for today, shall update on the next post~ 

Love you all as always. stay pretty everyone! <3

Monday, September 26, 2011

turqoise french

I'm so far so good on my new job and working life of not sleeping and waking up early, how about you?

So i think my company is fine with nail polish, that means i *finger cross* can change my painting as often as i can like how it use to be~ but i guess i will still remain it at once a week -- i need more time to be on bed now. >< getting elder.. :(

Back to the topic, french~ <3

Got this new color from Elianto few days ago, love it but too bad it doesnt suit my skin tone. >< it made my finger looks grey and dark, but i still love it, how?! 
So in stead of making it full, i cut it down to french which the color stays far from my skin (hope you get that..) and added some konad on the lines in nude..

acrylic rose from nails to watch now <3

Nice or not?!
tehee, blinged my watch as you can see from previous post, and i dont feel satisfied yet. so the ending was, more bling~! haha...

i hope the stones stay. :p
11.45pm over here, got to go~ sleeping early with 8hours made my skin condition better now, love~ :p

See ya^^

Sunday, September 11, 2011

matte bisque

i hope everyone is enjoying the weekend~ ^^

my week was ok, still getting use to new working environment but i think i just need little bit of time more and everything will be fine, right? :p

this week will be busy, to keep low profile as a junior, i stick to 'nature'/nude one like this.

pictures tells the whole story, so im gonna get myself prepare for tomorrow and have a good night sleeping..
till then, take care! :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

polka doesnt need to be bling

How's lovely doing? ^^

started my work for 2days which is so so, but had a nice weekend going out with family for dinner and celebrating my grandma's birthday. How about you guys? :D

Oh ya, another thing before we go to the nails, i finally change my no-eye-see-gonna-die-anytime old phone (been using it for more than 4yrs! whow~)to this~ ^^

Samsung S Plus

tehee, picture on the right shows you top 3 of bloggers i'm following~

i did mention about having meals outside right? desserts for you all, haha...
well i have no idea what they are suppose to call but you don't think much of the names when the only thing you gotta do is to EAT IT~ :p

clockwise: mango pudding with mix fruit, walnut tart, blueberry tart, dark chocolate 'cup'
 yeap rachel loves lomo-ish vintage feel in ma photos <3<3<3

Okay one more, i promise one last thing before nails. 
old watch i deco-ed today~!!! haha, just a simple one but it's always fun to d.i.y.
So you think nail design today would be a fantastic one? 
You are way wroooooooooooonng! XD
Apparently it's just a way too simple konad i do for my 1st day of working. Did a lace french but it doesnt came out as what i expected so i remove it and stamp these polka on my bare nails without any base color. yup and i made it matte<3

3rd day to office when i wake up! 

i shall see you all in erm.... 5more days? (for me to procrastinate a bit please.. :p)

Good night to me and good morning to you (you know it's you) and see ya^^/

Thursday, September 1, 2011

matte lace in black

How's everyone doing?:)

So this is what i've been wearing for 3-4days already, and i'm very in love with the matte finish look using matte top coat from Orly, the quality was great~ :p

By the way those white flowers are my diffuser for essential oil <3

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I have been away from here long enough, i am sorry i did not even inform about my move in advanced at all.
If you still remember me and don't mind to know about my updates i am no one to stop you to leave here.. ><

1. I was appointed for national service 5 years ago, i was already in university when they notify me so i deferred it, yes until i am out with my bachelor degree. Since i finally graduate, i decided to complete my duty and rejoin it this year before i get myself a job. 
So i write in to the related government department, and they offered me the fastest batch to rejoin and it's only like 1 week left from it. I ran out of time. I went medical check up, to stock in daily used stuff to bring into camp and etc, which is why i didnt get to sit down and write here. 
The service lasts for 3months, which is when i started to disappear from past May-August. I was not 'internet reachable' throughout the entire program (well i only manage to facebook-ed a bit on sunday when we can have our cellphone back for few hours). Oh ya, we stay in the jungle. We went through physical training and classes for things like personality build up, attitude being as teen and young adult, out form camp during weekends for community service and so on. 
I did had some fun during the activities and got to know some good friends from other states. the program did added some stress to me as i was chosen as the commander of all trainee. i am 23years old this year but the rest are mostly 17-18years old kids, and main point about this is that they are not listening to you (and the trainer/coach) most of the time.
There was some tough period went through, but won me the best female trainee as well. :) So sorry that despite i've been back home for around 1 month but i haven't got the chance to finish editing photos i've taken during the program..

visit to newly open of Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI)
sign of commander

my camp has got western country feel haha..

2.  I started to look for a job since i came back from the service, and after few weeks, i finally got myself a job just today, and i will be starting to work as marketing executive on 2nd Sept. Excited yet worried, excited that i found it myself cause parents been intro-ing me their friend's company which i prefer to achieve it with my own strength; worried if i could adapt to office life and cope with colleagues well enough to learn from them. But i'm sure and i believe everything will go well:)

3. Since this is a nail blog, i can not end this post without my latest nail design as i finally get to grow my nails long again after my national service.

yes finally matte!

Yes i finally got matte nail polish~ <3
I manage to squeeze in time to shop in the annual beauty fair over here which so happen to be 1 day before i enter the camp (so rush!!!). Got myself this black matte polish from Orly and the matte top coat as well. Will show my haul next time.

So yeah, i think that's about it for now. It's 2.40am now in malaysia and i should get myself to bed now. :p 
New post in 3days, i promise. 


Thursday, April 14, 2011

I know i had abandoned this blog for too long, but i have just too little time for myself recently.
Updated news to every followers or those that are waiting for my new post, i'm sad to say that there will be no new nails stuff up till i do so, as i'm busy with event jobs after Lunar new year and is still on going, which means it's only base coat or a transparent coat of nail polish to make them look neat at the moment and that's all.. :(

And No, late nights up are only for work, no longer for myself, like now.. *sob sob*

Forgive me to have to continue leaving here to earn my living..
Hope everyone is doing good, take care and be safe :)
In case you miss me, me on my convocation day. :p