Showing posts with label Chirality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chirality. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Super Quick Mani: Another Chirality Mystery Polish and a Peita's Polish LE

I know, I know-- it has been a while.  Since I last posted many, many milestones of epic proportions have occurred.  For one, I am now fully graduated with a masters degree.   Additionally, it wasn't just my last semester of grad school that was making me feel very tired and nauseated.  (drum roll)

We found out we are expecting our first child at the end of June!  Perfect timing right?  Well, let me tell you...all my good intentions to begin blogging again went to the wayside during the duration of my first trimester because I couldn't handle strong smells.  BBQ, citrus, nail polish, cleaning supplies, etc made me want to hurl. 

In two years I have never had as many sets of naked nails as I have these last 14 weeks.   But I do feel better, the holidays were great, and the fumes don't bother me as much so I painted my nails tonight and took pics.

Onto the polish...

You know I adore Chirality polishes, especially the Mystery ones.   This was my most recent Chirality purchase and its a beauty.  The color is a sooty violet holo that I am calling Burnt Amethyst.  Its an understated scattered holo with highly pigmented color.  Chirality polishes can be purchased here and more specifically you can get your own mystery polish (at your own risk) here.  Of course, you may or may not get a holo!

Also, although I didn't mix up a lot of polish in the last few months, I did participate in a polish maker swap with a handful of ladies from Austrailia, Denmark, Brazil, Canada, and the United States.  Peita of Peita's Polish participated as well and sent everyone a special matte and metallic glitter topcoat full of purple circle glitter varying finishes and sizes.

I do love circle glitter and it works well with the Chirality Burnt Amethyst polish.  Take a chance on either of these indie brands and you won't be disappointed.  You can buy Peita's Polishes here but just be aware that since Peita is in Australia, your shipping will be steep, $15 for just one bottle. Dotti, as far as I know, is not available to buy but keep an eye out and she may post it or a similar polish!

As for bebe, we don't know if it will be a boy or girl yet but that should be easy to figure out by my next ultrasound.  Maybe I'll announce with a franken!  We'll see.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chirality Mystery? Polish

 Helloooo, ya'll.  I have adjusted to my new work schedule and my temporary digs at my grandfather's house in central Texas.  Its been a long process and I am still not finished but I am making progress on getting the husband, cat, and furniture back to Texas.

Some of you may recall my epic and I do mean EPIC post with all of the Chirality holographic polishes available back in January.  If not or you need a refresher, here's the link to that post.

Recently, I was VERY impressed with and jealous of a mystery polish that another blogger (Superficially Colorful) bought from Chirality and seconds later I had paid a very well spent and shockingly cheap $4.50 for THIS. AMAZING. POLISH!!!!

Chirality has several holos in this family of shades such as Cu2, Kale, and Katydid.  Since is unnamed and unlike any other Chirality holo shade, I am calling it Spearmint.

Put your tongue back in yo' mouth and I. KNOW!  What an awesome mystery polish!  This polish is slightly teal, slightly green and all beautiful holo goodness.  In the pics, I used an Orly base coat and two  thin coats of Spearmint, no topcoat.  My faith in mystery polishes and grab bags just might have been restored:)

You can find Chirality mystery polishes for sale here and the Chirality shop for other polish goodies including the rest of the holos I posted about AND then some new ones here.  Don't worry about me, I already bought the new ones so you can expect a post about them eventually. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chirality Holos

Last night I sat down and had a massive swatchfest of Chirality's gorgeous holographic polishes.

Below I have Bloodshot, Just Before Dawn, Katydid, Kale, Cu2+, Apollonia, and The Symbiote.  Chirality polish are 3-free and are available in size 15ml and 7ml bottles with stainless steel mixing balls.

Bloodshot is a juicy red with subtle holo.  Frankly, I blame my photog skills on this pic because it doesn't do this polish justice.  Its very depth-y and striking on the nail and you don't see red holos like this every day.

Next I have Just Before Dawn.   I asked around my some of my nail polish FB groups during Halloween for a very orange holo and was pointed to Chirality.   This polish is bright, holo-ful, and you won't be able to stop looking at your nails.  Orange typically isn't my color due to my complexion but I think this orange would look good on anyone.

Up next is Katydid, a vivid green holo that has a million sparkles.  I generally avoid this shade of green but like Just Before Dawn, Katydid would look great on anyone.  And I kinda love it.

I waited to buy Kale last, but not before I was inundated with pics of wonderment from nail polish friends that bought this polish.  It is super green with an incredible holo finish.  Kale is a must have.  I don't think you will find a holo of this color anywhere else and one really should have a holo polish in every shade!

Another polish that kept plaguing me with gorgeous swatch pics was Cu2+.  This is MY. FAVORITE.  Hands down.  Its all teal-ly and has amazing holo craziness going on.  If you can only get one Chirality holo, I highly recommend this one.   It needs to be on your shelf.

I am always a sucker for purple so Apollonia was one of my first Chirality purchases.   It does not disappoint.  Its a lovely deep holo purple and the rainbows shooting off your nails will mesmerize you periodically.   Purple holos are something I've made it my duty to collect and this one should be in your purple holo collection.

Last, The Symbiote is a black holo polish that rivals Cu2+ and Apollonia for holo sparkle.  I own a couple of other black holos but The Symbiote's holo is so gorgeous and understated that I am much more likely to use for everyday wear than my other black holos.

Coverage: All of the Chirality holo polishes provide complete coverage with two, thin coats.

Price:  Very reasonable

Viscosity: Not too thick or watery, perfect application

Quality and Consistency:  For the coverage and price alone these polishes should be purchased but in addition, they are each resplendent and extraordinary on their own.

Verdict:  Run over to Chirality's shop and buy some!