Salam wbt.
Dah masuk silver jubilee anniversary ni, aku punya harapan dan impian sama je dengan apa yang dah aku azamkan masa masuk tahun baru hari tu. InsyaAllah, nak jadi a better person in every aspect of life.
Ramai yang wish dan doakan yang baik-baik sempena birthday aku. Terima kasih banyak-banyak. Moga Allah makbulkan doa kalian dan balas dengan kebaikan yang sama buat semua..ameen..
Hujung tahun lepas, aku ada la baca satu artikel ni. Very interesting & quite inspiring especially sebab ada kena mengena dengan 25 tahun kan..ehehe..So, agak sesuai dengan aku and bolehlah try praktikkan.
So, extracted some things from the lists, I really hope that these are the things that I can do / start to do from this year and on:
1. Learn to love myself before getting into relationship.
2. If I love someone, tell them, especially my family members & friends. Coz they mean the world to me.
3. Spend more time with my parents. As I get older, so do them. (I wish I can selalu balik rumah to see them :'))
4. Keep reminding myself, "Nadiah, it's ok if you're not in a relationship, even if everyone else around you is getting engaged and married. Do not settle just because you think you should." Chillex. Enjoy every moment. Keep believing that the time is yet to come with His permission :)
5. While I'm young and mobile, I should have been travel the world (of course la depends on my budget & time..hehe). Don't wait for retirement coz who knows I'll be alive for that? Haa, gitu. Teringat one of my friends yang dah kawen and ada anak said, "Korang ni, yang muda-muda, single mingle ni, pegi travel. Every months pun takpe (amboi kak :P). Nanti dah macam I ni, susah dah nak pegi mana-mana..."
6. Bad days do not last forever, neither do good days. I have to learn handling the situation during the bad times and cherish all the good times. Yosh!
7. Do not plan my life out according to a time table. I never know when life will throw a curve ball at myself.
8. Each person that I've encountered with in my life has played some type of role which I've grown as a person. Do not forget them. InsyaAllah I won't.
9. Do not stress over situations in my life that can't be controlled. It's easier said than done, but it's something to learn to handle as young adults. Life is never going to get any easier.
10. Do not COMPARE my life to the lives of others. I'll NEVER be happy. True indeed. Just be thankful with what I have and if I have a job that pays enough for me to pay my bills, be grateful for that job.
11. Make a conscious effort to be LESS MATERIALISTIC. Life is not just about MONEY & MATERIAL. Find it's value instead.
12. If I'm making more than an average person, help those that are less fortunate than I am.
13. Social media is great, but don't invest so much of my time on it.
14. I gotta take care of my body, beauty & health. I'll never know what will happen in the future. Eat well, drink a lot of plain water, do exercise. Yeah, trying..hehe.
15. Failure just makes me stronger. I'll be able to say that I've experienced rough times that made me into what am I today.
16. Learn to make my own decisions. It's good to ask for advice from my peers, but at the end of the day, learn to take the risk on my own terms.
17. Try different foods from different cultures. Respect the fact if someone doesn't like what you like. Hope that I'll have geng for 'jalan-jalan cari makan' coz I really want to explore & try out different kind of foodssss. I love eating! :D
18. Who I was at 20 doesn't define who am I at 25. My mentality change as I explore more of life. Ecece. Harap-harapnya dah bertambah matang untuk menilai ertinya hidup.
19. Love what I do for a living. Not everyone love their jobs, but this is the time to figure out what I'm passionate about. Take the risk to try something new. Yesza, I will..insyaAllah. Hurm, what do I like eh?
20. This one is from myself, I want to improve in my communication skill. I think I'm quite sucks in it..haha.
Last but not least, meh la kita renungkan pesanan khidmat masyarakat from pakcik Abraham Lincoln ni :
" and in the end, it's not the year in ur life that count. It's the life in ur years."
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