Monday, October 7, 2013

Dream #2

Salam wbt.

Dah apehal pulak citer pasal dream letak gambar cake & cookies nih? Haha
Adelahhhh.. :P Nak sweet dreams kannn...

"Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real." [Tupac Shakur]

What a cool quote! No wonder best je rasa berdreaming..heheh. Anyway, sometimes what we want to be for real, can happened by just dreaming. But of course la with extra things like effort, plan, du'aa, strength, determination and whatnot kan.

Aku penah la dengar, orang kata, impian tu kena jadikan cita-cita. Sebab if we make it as cita-cita, that clearly shows yang we don't want our 'sweet dreams' to just be a dream. Once it comes, then it goes away just like that. How rugi, right?

So, aku adalah jugak impian yg biasa je..and I think if that dream fulfilled, fuhhh..memang bahagia lah. But knowing myself, I just want to let the time decides whether I can actually achieve something that I want. If like that la, huh, memang takkan tercapai impian aku nih..haha

Then, just in time, someone makes me realised that actually, nothing wrong pun dengan dream aku tu and dia pun dengan excitednye siap berimaginasi dan menggabungkan dreamnya so that we can make our dreams come true! Apa lagi, after that we only talk bout more gossips..hahaha (serius betul ni nak merealisasikan mimpi)

So yeah, hope mimpi ni akan jadi nyata one day. May Allah ease our ways and give us semangat untuk make sure this thing happen dan bukan takat cakap-cakap kosong je. Ameen..

"Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream." [Khalil Gibran]

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