Salam wbt.
Working life is so demanding I would say. Manakan tidak, when you already entitled as a career man or woman, most of the time you spend will be in the office. Mengadap kerja for at least 8 hours/day.
Tu belum lagi if you got piles of work to do. You might have to go home late plus you'll be so tired and stress. If only you really love ur job, you won't feel bad about it. Bear in mind that once you step into career world, u'll stuck in there for quite a long time till u retire or u decide to berenti keje awal and goyang kaki at home.
Because of that, I'm so having this high hope of marrying a rich man so that I can stop working and be a housewife..*berangan jelah keje aku kan*. Tapi sebelum nak tercapai impian aku yang terlampau besar ala-ala boleh dapat sesenang cam dalam drama tu, I have to work. No matter how much I love my job, or suka suam-suam kuku or hate it, my phase of life now is there. To be a career woman. To get money. To help my family. Owh well, I'm not anak orang kaya so takkan nak depend on parents money anymore, right?
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Dalam setiap yang kita lalui, pasti ada manisnya. Cuma mungkin kita belum jumpa. Keep calm and eat pavlova. This yummy pavlova made my day. Want some? |
As seorang anak sulung yang sudah dewasa umurnya (dan bukan perangainya, sometimes), I feel that I'm responsible to make my parents happy, lighten their burden and let them now have time to rest and enjoy their life. Note that, mak ayah kita memang tak mintak pun kita bagi duit kat diorang and tak mintak pun balas jasa sebab their loves are unconditional and they only want the best for their children.
So far, aku takdelah stress tahap cipan or somewhat sepanjang hampir 4 bulan keje nih. Workloads can sometimes be banyak, but I'll try to chill and kayuh pelan-pelan. Yang penting buat keje elok-elok and jangan main-main. Finish the works given. Stress sikit-sikit tu biasalah. Tambah-tambah bila kena ngadap numbers everyday and I'm not so fancy of accounting anymore. Tapi as a first job, I gotta test and apply what I'd learnt all these years. After this, maybe I'll try to explore something else that suits me well.
I'm also kinda frustrated with my salary (Over kan baru keje nak demand. Dah ko compare dengan kawan ko yang dapat gaji banyak, of couse frust beb). I feel like with that amount of money, I can't really live well tambah-tambah in this metropolitan city where everything is about money. Rasanya when I want to buy something of my own things or for my family, mesti akan fikir banyak kali sampai terlebih masak whether I'm actually have enough money left to survive till the next pay. Tapi kalau dah stress and homesick, lupa abes semua tu. Tershopping jugak and akan habiskan duit for evry weekends memang aku akan keluar. U know living in KL, u can simply habis a lot just for transportation and food. Believe me. Belum lagi tengok sewa rumah and other costs of living. Seryes nanges tengok ur money laju je keluar macam air terjun. Sobs.
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One of my way to distress. Go out and have some catched up sessions with my gurls. I'll feel sooo happy then. |
Anyhow, I always think that maybe sebab aku kurang bersyukur jugak, thats why asyik rasa tak cukup je. Camana orang yang lagi rendah gaji dari aku but manage je untuk survive and happy. Yes, aku maybe tak tau kesusahan diorang sebenar-benarnya..tapi when kita redha and syukur dengan rezeki yang kita ada, I believe that ketenangan tu akan datang. We don't need to focus on the ketakcukupan tu coz we believe on the rezeki yang Allah dah peruntukkan kat kita. I'm trying to be one. A grateful and thankful person. Doakan aku? ;)
Since now we're already at the end of the year, dalam bulan December, aku tersangatlah merasa lemau dalam membuat keje. Maybe sebab dah terbiasa cuti kan masa time-time camni. Tambah-tambah semua orang ada kat rumah tengah bercuti, and I'm stuck alone here in KL and ngadap keje, oh, it's sangatlah tak best ok! Pastu kan kan kan..bulan ni takde cuti 3 hari. Public holidays pulak semua jatuh in the middle of the week. Camne aku nak balik kampung? Tell me..huhu. Takkan la pulak nak mintak cuti every months just because nak balik kampung kan. Tapi dah kalau homesick aku ni gayanya lagi teruk dari masa duk kat obersea dulu, apa cerita der? Haihh..
Last month. Dapatlah alasan nak cuti and balik Kedah for kenduri Dibah. Best masa ni..haha. |
Tak dapek sapo-sapo nak nolong wehhhhh -__-"
P/S: Time poket koyak ni lah banyak pulak Y.E.S. Bukan broadband tu lah. Year End Sale. Mampu cuci mata dan berangan lagi dan lagi jelah. *Nanges*