Friday, November 6, 2009

Itu ini, Begitu begini~

Hari ni hari Jumaat n I love it coz it's gonna be weekend!!!! Hehe..Generally, this week aku dah dapat 2 assignment which I have to submit in two weeks tyme but I haven't start anything yet. Itu biase, sbb aku mmg ske wat keje last minutes sometimes. But I'll try not to make it that way as I don't want to do my work in hurry n the outcomes then gonna be worse. No no no....
Since next week is gonna be reading week, I'll try to settle all of my workloads then. Ehmmm, so weekend ni, aku nak prepare for my very first test here which is an Economic test on the coming Monday. Hope I can finish all my reading n can answer all the questions. Chiayok!!!! Dlm pada nak test la, dpt assignments la, aku rase this week I went out to town dgn sgt kerap. Everyday kot!!!! Ish3 sggh la tidak berpatutan skali k! Tapi, takpe lah...yg ptg, keje sume mesti siap.
Ha, siang tadi aku n Syerin pegi umah Yassin. Mintak dye tolong tgkkan laptop aku. Igt nak suh installkan antivirus but then it turned out to be Yassin n Shawn betulkan my laptop. Mne taknyer, aku tanpe ilmu pengetahuan yg cukup, telah meng install virus dlm laptop aku. Ape daa....Aku igt aku install recommended antivirus, rupe2 nyer aku install virus! Ish3..tu arr, pepandai sgt..naseb baik diorg dah dpt pulihkan balik my laptop. Kalo tak..mati aku! Iye arr, mahal kot laptop kat cni, plus, nnti camne aku nak o9..kan3? Sendirik cari pasal...
Pastu, without proper planning, tetibe jer kitorg rancang nak buat picnic kat padang Kent this Sunday. Tyme2 tu gak trus g ASDA bli barang for picnic. Haha...spontan abes! Mmg takleh blah! Harap2 nyer...jadik arr. Teringin benor nak picnic situ...sejuk pon sejuklah..janji enjoy! Haha..
N now, I'm gonna be sleeping quite late as aku dah membantai piza sekotak n air nescafe pekat secawan rite after balik from ASDA. Sajer nak panaskan badan sbb tadik aku dah kehujanan on the way balik to college. Takut demam..skang pon dah mule selesema n batuk2. I hope I'm getting better tomorrow..Tak mau lah saket2, dah arr family sume jauh..tak syok!
K, enough of mencarut n mengarut. Skang, aku nak tgk citer Nur Kasih. Tata~

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